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一世留案底?犯過罪可否「洗底」?這文章的連結是來自網媒《香港01》的, 201611月的一篇文。有讀者問我該文下面這一段的講法是否正確:



我最關注的是楊岳橋講僱主可繞過法律逼僱員披露案底的做法, 僱主真的可以不問案底而問「你有犯過事或被定過罪?」不如看下法例297章《罪犯自新條例》第2:


凡個別人士 ——





2(1)(ii)條很明顯不准披露以往的定罪、罪行、行為等問題, 否則《罪犯自新條例》的訂立還有甚麼意義? 而且, 「定罪」一詞在本法例涵蓋性廣, 2(6)條列出「定罪」包括

就第(1)(i)(ii)(iii)(1A)(i)(ii)(iii)款及第3條而言,定罪包括 ——


(b) 構成該罪行的行為或情況;及

可見, 不能披露的包括曾犯罪及被檢控, 楊岳橋所舉的例子屬於違反法例的做法, 他的講法誤導市民。

高院法官歐陽桂如在Y and The Law Society of Hong Kong HCAL 39/2016一案的部份分析, 對理解《罪犯自新條例》也有幫助:

Convictions and common law

12.  At common law, an employee has no duty to disclose his conviction but the employer is entitled to ask about it.  If the employee chooses to answer, he must do so truthfully.  The position has been summarized in the case of R(T) v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester and ors at §§67-68.  in the context of the law before the enactment of legislation similar to ROO in UK:


“67 If a person applies for a job, the employer is entitled under the common law to ask whatever questions of the applicant he considers relevant, and the applicant is obliged, if he chooses to answer them, to do so truthfully. If therefore he is asked about his criminal record, he can decline to answer the question, in which event he may of course not be considered further for the position. If he chooses to answer the question, however, he is under an obligation to do so truthfully. If he lies about his past, a resultant contract of employment will be regarded as having been induced by a fraudulent misrepresentation. If the deceit is discovered, the employer is in principle entitled to have the contract set aside. A person who obtained employment by means of deceit is also in principle liable to prosecution.


68 The position of a person applying for appointment to certain offices, such as judicial office, or for admission to certain professions, such as accountancy or the legal profession, or for permission to carry on certain other regulated activities, such as providing financial services or operating a casino, is broadly analogous. At common law, the applicant may again be asked about his criminal record. If he chooses to answer the question, he is again under a duty to do so truthfully, and his failure to do so will expose him to the risk of adverse consequences under both the civil and the criminal law.”


13.  In respect of Y, his employers did not ask him and he had not volunteered the information about his convictions to his employers.


Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance


14.  ROO, enacted in 1986, changes the common law.  According to its long title, its purpose is “to rehabilitate offenders who have not been reconvicted for 3 years, to prevent unauthorized disclosure of their previous convictions and for connected purposes.”


15.  ROO allows persons with spent convictions to conceal them from employers with no consequences, unless they fall within the exceptions in sections 3 and 4 of ROO.


僱員不披露案底受到《罪犯自新條例》保障而無需因此被炒魷或負上民事/刑事責任。另外, 也不要忽畧何謂案底, 我很久以前也談過, 被定罪不一定留下刑事案底, 不留下刑事案底就沒有初犯3年後洗底的考慮。案底是要警方刑事紀錄課的數據資料庫保存的才算, 否則也無需擔心。一個最簡單的測試方法, 就是在拘捕檢控的過程中有打過指模, 沒有打過指模的定罪紀錄是不會進入刑事紀錄課的數據資料庫的。

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