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律師作虛假聲明, 以前夫頂替兒子的超速告票, 以自己的客仔: 運輸司機(courier driver)頂替自己老爸衝燈, 唆使該司機修改向警方錄取了的口供, 律師認罪, 與控方講數, 講甩了幾條以take into account (即香港的TIC, take into consideration)的方式處理, 才共罰款A$2,200及守行為兩年, 輕得可笑。早兩日頒佈了判辭, 這判辭並非她干犯的罪行的判辭, 而是新南威爾斯省上訴庭把她從律師名冊除名的判辭: Council of the Law Society of New South Wales v Kim [2017] NSWCA 292 (15 November 2017)。案情很簡單, 在澳洲這種事情也很普遍, 就是給超速/紅燈機影了違例, 告票寄到登記車主處, 違例者交了別人的資料頂上。如果頂替者心甘情願而不去揭發, 根本很易蒙混過關。這件案是律師與運輸司機溝通不足而揭發。原本司機同意頂一張告票, 殊不知律師未徵得同意又送兩張給他, 才致東窗事發。這位女律師在2012年因另一件事的misconduct已罰過A$5,000, 但那次沒有停牌, 因為不涉刑事的不誠實, 而這次是criminal dishonesty。最可笑的是, 停了牌律師就去讀神學。"She is currently studying part-time for a graduate diploma in divinity at a theological college and expects to complete these studies in 2018. She hopes one day to apply for readmission but, as she says, “not until sufficient time has passed for that to be a possibility”(判辭第28段)。刻薄地講, 有點像陳振聰入獄之前開始信主的味道。日後因父之名, 又多了一個申請復牌的理據。我一向尊重虔誠的真教徒, 但那些真的很假的虔誠教徒就使我作嘔。以父之名, 蓋住作惡的面紗。這使我想起偷客仔錢的香港律師YC Tong, 他在我老媽去的教會做執事, 上帝也蒙羞。



(1) Declare that Jinhi Kim is guilty of professional misconduct.
(2) Declare that Jinhi Kim is not a person of good fame and character.
(3) Declare that Jinhi Kim is not a fit and proper person to remain on the Roll of Australian lawyers maintained by the Supreme Court under s22 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW).
(4) Order that the name Jinhi Kim be removed from that Roll.
(5) Order that Jinhi Kim pay the Law Society of New South Wales’ costs of the proceedings.

我幾年前寫過另一篇, 涉及澳洲高等法院(即香港終審法院)法官Marcus Einfeld, 提出死了的人來頂替自己的超速駕駛, 上庭作供, 最終東窗事發, 被控妨礙司法公正, 罪成判監3年, Einfeld可以媲美香港騙綜援的退休高院法官Jackson-Lipkin, 都使司法蒙羞。
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