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大家請放屁, 來測試一下自己的嗅覺, 看下有沒有中了新冠病毒, 我講真的, 不信就自己看, 各大傳媒都有報導, 我舉華盛頓郵報為例:

Losing sense of smell may be a hidden symptom of coronavirus, doctors warn

While every case is different, the telltale symptoms of the novel coronavirus have been widely agreed upon — a high fever, persistent cough or shortness of breath. In the most severe instances, those afflicted have reported confusion or difficulty breathing, and sometimes, anxiety is the most prevailing symptom of all.

But a team of British ear, nose and throat doctors on Friday raised the possibility of a new indicator of the coronavirus, one they say has been observed globally, even in patients who are otherwise asymptomatic: anosmia, a condition that causes the loss of sense of smell. In a statement, they warned that adults experiencing recent anosmia could be unknown carriers of covid-19, and urged them to consider self-isolation.

“All of this evidence is accumulating very rapidly, but there’s nothing yet robustly in print,” Claire Hopkins, president of the British Rhinological Society, said in an interview. “Since then, I’ve had colleagues from around the world saying: ‘That’s exactly what we’re seeing.’ They’ve been trying [to raise awareness], but it hasn’t been picked up.”
雖然這種中招病徵尚未有定論, 靜悄悄放個屁又何妨, 觀察一下方圓數米的人的反應, 或者可順便找出幾個沒有病徵的傳播病毒人, asymptomatic super spreader。這些都很有趣, 大概不是misinformation吧, 不過一定不是disinformation, 前者源於誤解, 後者是刻意散播的假資訊。
昨天去看醫生, 又聊起疫情來, 每次去看都會聊天。我們對民生都很憂慮, 昨天中午起, 澳洲食肆會所酒吧等都關閉了, 只准外賣, 教堂體育館也關閉了, 上帝也要外賣。失業人口狂飆, 在Centrelink門外申請失業救濟的人大排長龍。早兩天看到報導, 澳洲有十份之一家庭在銀行存款不足$90, 而百份之五十人口的銀行存款在$7000之內。突然失業, 吃西北風了。我們也十分擔憂因疫情留在家中不敢外出的人, 在外怕染疫, 在家可以做甚麼? 醫生也不敢去探自己的父母, 因為怕把病毒傳染給老人家, 但老人家也需要社交的, 不能外出活動度日如年。醫生把買了的餸菜放在父母的屋外, 等他們煮好了就去門外拿。我問她自己為甚麼不煮, 她說母親愛煮, 也可以消磨時間。

就算沒有失業的人, 一下子work from home, 孩子又不用回校上課, 大家都少了空間, 長困在家, 易生磨擦和情緒問題, 沒染上病毒, 卻可能滋生心理精神問題, 加上那些砸了飯碗的經濟問題, 更是悲哀。山火熄滅了, 本來希望重生的旅遊業一再受到打擊, 任憑生性樂觀的袋鼠, 也會沮喪起來。原本搵朝唔得晚的人, 等到出糧才有錢購物, 出糧的時候日用品已被搶購一空, 到現在失業了, 很多時間去排隊購物, 但袋中卻沒有錢。超市不用抬價(price gouging), 時常會做特價的東西現在不做了, 無形中變成加價。

我也受影響呀, 因封場關係, 將有幾個月不能打球, 只好多花時間除野草來打發。香港暴動期間我幾乎沒有客仔,  最近客量回升, 還有三個捐了幾千元給不同社福機構, 我也要在此感謝他們。
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