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CNN主持訪問美國前國務卿鮑威爾, 他曾是國防部長, 也有份決定發動海灣戰爭, 一場為總統私利不義之戰, 藉詞weapon of mass destruction而揮軍入侵伊拉克。這污名英美都難洗脫。在訪問中鮑直斥特朗普是個充滿謊言的人:
And the one word I have to use with respect to what he's been doing for the last several years is a word I would never have used before, I never would have used with any of the four presidents I have worked for: He lies. He lies about things. And he gets away with it, because people will not hold him accountable.*
被美國狗粮養得肥肥白白的先別跳出來狺狺而吠, 我是blogger, 不是搞外交的, 語言只需貼切而無需優雅的。我引用美國人對自己總統的批評, 要護主就別跳錯牆。鮑威爾把特朗普批評得體無完膚, 他認為特朗普愛侮辱別人(包括盟友), 他身邊的人, 包括國會, 都唯命是從:
And even more troubling, the Congress would just sit there and not in any way resist what the president is doing.
我不只一次講外交禮儀, 在上一篇也批評Pompeo在五十笑百。鮑威爾被主持問他對總統外交政策的評價, 他的講法也涉及香港的:
TAPPER: I want to ask you about foreign policy, as a former secretary of state.

The Chinese government is under a lot of scrutiny for how it handled the coronavirus pandemic early on, as well as its recent anti-democratic crackdown in Hong Kong.

Two years ago, you said we shouldn't create a cold war situation with the Chinese. Are we in one, do you think?

POWELL: We're in a bad situation right now, because we're fighting over things that I don't think we need to fight over.

The Chinese did not do well at the very beginning of this virus crisis. But, at the same time, it was our intelligence community that was telling the administration, telling the president, beginning in December, through January, February, March, that we had this.

And the President wouldn't respond to it. He kept trying to see if there's somebody else to blame. And so, in order to get out of this, we are now blaming the Chinese for everything.

Our relationship with the Chinese during my time as chairman or my time as secretary of state was a healthy one. When they did things we didn't like, we told them about it. But, more often, we were speaking to them as fellow individuals and a government that we could speak to.

I did a lot with the Chinese. Disagreed with them when they had to be disagreed with, but at the same time respected them and listened to what their point of view was right now, then.

And, right now, we ought to be listening carefully to what they're doing in Hong Kong, and we should not take action that just infuriates the situation and makes the situation worse.
哈哈, 如果洋廟裏供奉了這種神, 我不知那些愛拜洋廟的還會不會去。走筆至此, 忽然想起Nancy Pelosi, 她曾經對香港去年的暴動說是a beautiful sight to behold, 現在她閉了嘴。真的別胡亂剃人頭。
特朗普看到鮑威爾的批評及說身為共和黨員今年也會投拜登一票, 可能火遮了眼, 竟然有這Twitter:
Colin Powell, a real stiff who was very responsible for getting us into the disastrous Middle East Wars, just announced he will be voting for another stiff, Sleepy Joe Biden. Didn’t Powell say that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction?” They didn’t, but off we went to WAR!
這一次我肯定他說真話了, 他承認美國藉詞入侵伊拉克, 這種交鋒, 使我想起兩個被告在庭上「互隊」, 攬炒的cut throat defence。他繼續tweet, 就grammar也錯了:
Colin Powell was a pathetic interview today on Fake News CNN. In his time, he was weak & gave away everything to everybody - so bad for the USA. Also got the “weapons of mass destruction” totally wrong, and you know what that mistake cost us? Sad! Only negative questions asked.
失禮死人的內戰, 大國總統竟然像小學雞的blogger一樣, 多做4年就民智愈下了。也難怪, tweet就是小鳥叫嘛。

*CNN interview: WATCH AND READ: Colin Powell criticizes Trump's response to protests in 'State of the Union' interview
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