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Things gotta breathe
悉尼近日開始放寬防疫的限制, 但經過百日的孤獨, 已變成獨孤無敵, 提不起興趣會友了。這平台突然變成文宣集散地, 我開始省油, 不想交流, 誰想叫囂或誰想跟誰吵架, 你們隨便。對鹹豬手法官的指控, 越來越多的 Me too, 發展下去必定會see him in court。Sydney Morning Herald負責報導這事的記者, 經歷了幾年明查暗訪, 終於開花結果。對象是最高法院法官, 在處理報導的手法上份外小心, 以免惹上誹謗訴訟, 她們等到首席法官公佈性騷擾的獨立調查結果才同步發佈她們幾年來搜集的訊息。反觀香港, 總是快餐式譁眾取寵的報導。(想看鹹豬手法官的背景, 可以看這篇: Dyson's 'dirty deeds': the public v private face of 'sexual harasser'。)

今天有朋友告訴我水佳麗判掟汽油彈少年案而引發的投訴數量, 我聽到咋舌。判案無疑要顧及社會現狀, 但不是顧及市民情緒, 否則群情凶湧下, 很多人就會被判處死刑了。量刑引起爭端, 判刑的分歧(disparity)是否成立”判刑委員會"(sentencing council)就是最佳解決辦法, 其實也有2 schools of thoughts。水官加油。

看書看到悶我就最愛看美國新聞, 尤其是CNN。美國總統笑話特別多, 愛屋及烏, 我也愛看美國子民的風趣表現, these ones take the cake。Take the cake甚麼意思? 蠢到加零一。佛羅里達州通過某些縣強制市民戴口罩, 反對者在議會咆哮, 我錄取其中幾則:

“I don’t wear a mask for the same reason I don’t wear underwear: things gotta breathe.”
“I was born free, I will stay free. My rights come from God, not from you. I’m not wearing it. You’re gonna have to hold me down and put it on me.”
“We will get together and do a citizen’s arrest on every single human being that goes against the freedom of choice, OK? You literally cannot mandate somebody to wear a mask knowing that that mask is killing people. It literally is killing people, Every single one of you have a smirk behind that little mask. But every single one of you are going to get punished by God.”
所以呢, 由地洞鑽出來的總統, 首先爭取拍張手持聖經的教堂照, 爭取上帝支持, 意義重大, 連任失敗也在天堂先霸個位。以他這狀況, 死都不肯帶口罩, 開多兩場集氣大會就得償所願, 一命嗚flu了。而那位想透透氣的女士, 可能忘記了1932年Shirokiya Department Store火災的教訓了。

一個國家的墮落, 從領導人的氣度嗅得出來的, 靠吹牛渡日, 也招集到愚昧的die hard fans, 還不折墮嗎?
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