





今年四月公司出色業績及旅遊花紅獎得獎同事們一起參加了本廣島、倉敷、大阪、四國、 高松5天之旅。


每次旅遊的感想就是吃得好住得好,很輕鬆,頭腦可以放空,但旅遊的記憶都不長久,體驗不夠深刻。但這五日遊,讓我對日本有了完全不一樣的看法。五天的行程涵蓋宮島(日本三大美景之一)、嚴島神社悠閒長廊,世界文化遺產: 海中大鳥居、廣島原爆遺跡、倉敷和風古典街、姬路城(日本三大名城之一)、南淡路(奇蹟之星)、溫室植物館、烏冬學校(體驗製作烏冬)、大名栗林庭園、大步危秘景溪谷遊船。一路上天氣都算很好,風景也很美,令您感悟人生之優閒。


除了欣賞到以上美景,最令人驚豔的兩個神社及庭園,竟然是看到櫻花,櫻花是日本春天之象徵。 這時段已過了花期,但我們看到也感受到春天到來之喜悅,欣賞閃亮櫻花盛開之美麗春天,相信必能為我們帶來好運及不可磨滅之美好回憶。
















今年兵分三路,第一站是日本賞櫻團, 第二站是法國深度遊,第三站是泰國Hea住遊。三個地方三種感受,第二及第三站同事們玩完就會同大家分享!




Being a worker in Easy Property, this is my first time to join a company short trip to Japan aiming at the sakura blossom season. Although the sakura full power blooming season was just passed, nevertheless, the tourist guide Mr. Liu says that when we pass by some Japan free entrance playgrounds we still got some chances in early April to see the sakura blossom trees booming in coincidence cases during the five days trip. We definitely wish to value the chance to take more nice photos together and share happiness afterwards.


In one of the days, we saw some forest grown live reindeer passing by. They were not afraid of humans and they even come to us for human food like the delicious beef and squid skewer etc.


Not only the newly developed sites for tourist, we have visited by a boat trip a natural environment historical seashore erosion stoned platform, the colorful koinobori, a Japanese carp-shaped windsock, flown to celebrate Children's Day across the sky between the two sides of the seashore platform. I was very impressed with this scenery. Five days trip is just too short and on the last day of trip, we have thoughtful discussion on our little pieces of life and work story that would making the Easy Property staff who join the trip have a closer and intimate relationship other than just pure competition at a working environment.


Hopefully we can come again every year with different components in our big family. Thank you very much for our co-workers’ detailed volunteer arrangement and our big boss Mr. Wong's approval on holidays and support in financial sponsorship to us. We are proud and delighted to work here as a part of Easy Property Company Limited.



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