We are not the only ones
getting older!!
資料提供者:Sidddney Chen
Boy George
Kirstie Alley
Bridgette Bardot ~ This breaks my heart!!
Nick Nolte
Cybill Shepherd
Sylvester Stallone
Kathleen Turner
Billy Joel
Bob Dylan
Ozzy Osbourne
Mick Jagger
Gary Busey
Burt Reynolds (Had a tiny facelift, Burt?)
Wayne Newton (Nice makeup.)
Mickey Rourke
Clint Eastwood
Keith Richards
Joan Rivers (Get a date with Burt.)
Eddie Van Halen
Linda Ronstadt
Jack Nicholson (Put a shirt on, Jack!)
Don't know about you, but I feel better already. Two elderly ladies were talking. “At our age, I don’t know what would be worse;
Parkinson”s or Alzheimer”s?" one said.
Her wise friend answered, “Oh I’d rather have
Parkinson’s, definitely Parkinson’s Better to
spill half my wine than to forget where
I keep the bottle."
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