





1. The freedom of expression may take many forms. As was involved in the present case, they include the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly and the freedom of demonstration. The right to the freedom of expression is guaranteed by art 27 of the Basic Law and art 17 of the Bill of Rights. This is a fundamental right to enable any person to air his grievances and to express his views on matters of public interest. In a free and democratic society, there are bound to be conflicts of interest and differences in opinion. It is important that those who purport to exercise the right to the freedom of expression must also respect the rights of others and must not abuse such right. Conflicts and differences are to be resolved through dialogue and compromise. Resorting to violence or threat of violence or breach of the peace in the exercise of this right will not advance one’s cause. On the contrary, this will weaken the merits of the cause and result in loss of sympathy and support. The means to achieve a legitimate end must not only be peaceful, it must also be lawful. Violent or unlawful means cannot justify an end however noble. It may also attract criminal liability. (HKSAR and Chow Nor Hang and another FACC14.2012)

一般人對「在公眾地方作出擾亂秩序行為」(Disorderly Conduct)的概念並不正確,法律上的意思是擾亂秩序行為的人,要意圖激使其他人破壞公眾安寧,才會犯法,他本人的擾亂秩序行為卻不犯法,極其量屬處以簽保守行為或視乎案情可控以襲擊罪。這條法例充滿矛盾,如果要把在公眾地方作出擾亂秩序行為的人繩之於法,恐怕要修改法例,剔除意圖激使其他人破壞公眾安寧這元素。另外,對偷拍裙底控以「在公眾地方作出擾亂秩序行為」罪,以後就未必行得通,另外要有證據顯示會激使其他人破壞公眾安寧的即時危險才行,判辭第79段這様寫:

79. However, a person may provoke a breach of the peace without any violence or threat of violence on his part: “... it suffices that his conduct is such that the natural consequence of it is violence from some third party”.[55] That third party need not be the person provoked or a by-stander, it could, for instance, be a member of the provoker’s group.[56] The actual or feared harm must be unlawful[57] and, where the harm is anticipated, there must be a real risk and not the mere possibility of such harm.[58] Moreover, the anticipated harm must be imminent.[59]
