

昨日終審法院首席法官馬道立的2014年法律年開啓典禮演辭,並沒有特別啓示,他再三強調司法獨立、司法程序透明及法治要靠優質的各級法院法官來鞏固。他花了不少篇幅來講法官的任命的四項準則:法律知識、為官性情、言行操守及案件管理能力(knowledge of the law, judicial temperament, propriety of conduct and case management)。跟去年不一樣,他今年沒有特别回應社會對法庭裁決的爭議。


     Amidst the usually healthy discussion of judicial decisions and judges we had during the past year, one sign of concern is the emergence of abusive attacks. Some have even indicated that they would compile a list of judges whom they considered politically biased and would request their removal. However well-intended their subjective motives might be, such conduct should not be encouraged. As pointed out by the then Chief Justice Andrew Li in his speech delivered at the Opening of the Legal Year in January 2000, when the courts come under unwarranted attack, it is the constitutional responsibility of the Government to explain and defend the fundamental principle of judicial independence. The Department of Justice would have no hesitation to take such steps as may be necessary to defend judicial independence.
