大病來臨六個徵兆 6 Symptoms of coming illness


資料提供者:Sidddney Chen



三位來自美國佐治亞州的醫學博士最近出版了《你身體的紅燈發出警 報》的修訂本,介紹身體生病之前會出現哪些前兆。其中六種轉瞬...即逝的症狀,需要格外注意,否則會有生命危險。


3 medical PhD professionals from Georgia, USA, recently published a revised version of the presentation "Your Body's Red Alert", which will show precursor of falling ill. Six types of them swiftly showed ... fleeting symptoms, need extra attention, otherwise it will be life-threatening.


第一,胳膊、腿麻木、刺痛,精神紊亂、暈眩,說話打顫、語無倫次 。尤其是面部或者身體一側出現上述情況,就可能是中風,也就是腦 卒中的前兆,預示向大腦供氧的動脈堵塞或者破裂。如果是大動脈出 問題,大腦中很大一部分就會受到影響,進而導致半身麻痹,同時失 去講話等功能。如果是小血管出問題,胳膊或腿會麻木。出現上述症 狀應立刻就醫。一般說來,血栓發生三小時內是治療的最佳時機。


1)      Arms, legs, numbness, tingling, confusion, dizziness, trembling speech, incoherent.


Especially in the face or side of the body of the above, it could be a stroke, which is the precursor of stroke, indicating that oxygen supply to the brain artery blockage or rupture.


If the artery problems, a large part of the brain will be affected, leading to hemiplegia, while losing speech and other functions.


If it is small vessel problems, arm or leg will be numb.


The above symptoms should immediately seek medical attention.


In general, the best time to treat thrombosis is within three hours after its occurrence.


第二,胸部疼痛或不適,胳膊、兩顎、頸部疼痛,突發冷汗、極度虛 弱、噁心、嘔吐、暈眩或者氣短。這是心臟病發作的前兆。另外,有 些病人會出現無痛心臟病,其最關鍵的前兆是:突發暈眩、心跳 加劇、氣短、噁心、嘔吐、冒冷汗。如果身體出現上述某些症狀,要 第一時間打电话求急救。病人口中可含一片阿司匹林或硝酸甘油,以 防心臟病發作時心肌受到損傷。


2)      Chest pain or discomfort, arms, two jaw, neck pain, sudden cold sweats, extreme weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or shortness of breath.


This is a precursor to a heart attack.


In addition, some patients will have "painless" heart disease, the most critical precursor are: sudden dizziness, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, cold sweats. 


If the body showed any of these symptoms, call for emergency assistance. 


Patient's mouth can have an aspirin or nitroglycerin to prevent a heart attack, myocardial damage.


第三,腿肚子酸痛、胸痛、氣短、咳血。這些是危險的腿部血栓形成 前兆。久坐之後最易發生,手術之後長時間臥床,也會出現這種症狀 。人人都可能得這種病,坐臥時間久了,血液淤積在腿部,腿部出現 血栓,小腿肚子腫疼,此時如果突然出現胸痛或者氣短,說明血栓可 能已經脫落並通過血液進入肺部。那可是萬分危險,要立刻去醫院。


3)      Calf pain, chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood.


These are dangerous leg thrombosis precursor.


Usually happen after long sedentary or after the surgery, prolonged bed rest, there will be such symptoms.


Everyone may have this disease, sitting for a long time, blood deposition in the legs, the legs thrombosis, a small calf swelling and pain at this time, if there is sudden chest pain or shortness of breath, it indicates that blood clots may have shed the blood into the lungs department.


     This is extremely dangerous, go to the hospital immediately.


第四,尿血但無痛感。如果發現尿中有血,即便沒有痛感也要去醫院 。尿血的常見原因有腎結石、膀胱或者前列腺感染。嚴重的可能是腎 臟、輸尿管、膀胱、前列腺等部位發生癌變,當病灶很小,也就是能 治的時候,病人通常是沒有痛感的。因此,發現尿血就要儘早就醫。


4)      Hematuria but no pain.


If you find that there is blood in the urine, even without pain, seek for treatment at the hospital.


It is a common cause of hematuria kidney stones, bladder or prostate infection.


Possibility of serious kidney, ureter, bladder, prostate and other parts of cancerous, when the lesion is small, it is curable, the patient will not feel any pain. Therefore, seek for treatment as soon as possible.


第五,哮喘不好也不壞。哮喘發作時往往伴隨喘息或者呼吸困難。如 果症狀不消退,也不惡化,就應該去看急診。如果哮喘發作不治療, 有可能出現嚴重的胸肌疲勞,甚至導致死亡。


5)      Asthma, neither good nor bad.


Asthma attacks are often accompanied by wheezing or difficulty breathing.


     If symptoms do not subside, do not deteriorate, go to the hospital immediately.


     If you do not treat an asthma attack, there may be a serious chest fatigue, or even lead to death.

第六,抑鬱和自殺念頭。有些人抑鬱的時候不尋求幫助,因為他們怕 別人認為他們神經不正常。實際上,他們大腦中的化學物質已經失去 平衡。這也是一種疾病。抑鬱症包括悲傷、疲勞、冷漠、焦慮、睡眠 習慣改變、沒有食欲。出現這些症狀,需要儘早重視並進行相應治療 。


6)      Depression and suicidal thoughts.


Some people, when depressed, do not want to seek help because they fear that other people may think that they have mental problem.


     In fact, the chemicals in their brain has been unbalanced. This is a disease.


     Depression include sadness, fatigue, apathy, anxiety, sleep habits, lack of appetite.


     When these symptoms occur, early attention and treatment is needed.