Liver Cancer Alert:臺灣進口 Aflatoxin Food 沙茶醬..


資料提供者:KT Lai



重要訊息,請優先看 !不知是真是假,但是總是參考。需時刻警惕!

Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety announced the day before yesterday, sworn barbeque sauce imported from Taiwan were found to contain plasticizer isodecyl phthalate ester (DIDP), urged the public to stop eating.


Liver Cancer Alert:臺灣進口的 Aflatoxin Food 沙茶醬..

防癌Alert ! 毒素 - 沙茶醬( Chinese Bar B Q Sauce) (漬物) 與疾病 肝癌 (Aflatoxin Food and Liver Cancer Issue)

據香港食物安全中心前日宣佈,由臺灣進口的沙茶醬檢出含塑化劑鄰苯二甲酸二異”(DIDP),呼籲市民停止食用。 According to the Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety announced the day before yesterday, sworn barbeque sauce imported from Taiwan were found to contain plasticizer "isodecyl phthalate (DIDP), urged the public to stop eating.

香港食物安全中心因應上月底台當局驗出當地一款同類醬料樣本含塑化劑,於是抽查本地同類食品。 Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety, the end of last month, the Taiwan authorities found a similar local sauces samples containing plasticizers, so sample the local the same kind of food.

樣本的最佳食用日期為201462日前,發現DIDP含量達百萬分之一百九十,超出百萬分之九的標準水準。 Sample the best before date is June 2, 2014, the to found the DIDP containing up to one hundred ninety millionths beyond nine millionths standard level.