Prof. Carl Hart


Bob Choi

17 July 2013


I stumbled across an interview of Prof. Carl Hart, the only tenured black professor at Columbia. He is a researcher on drugs (illegal drugs) and he advocates decriminalization of all illegal drugs: certainly an idea that is as controversial as it is non-traditional.


If you listen to his interview with an open mind, you will find what he says makes sense. 


I too took a dim view on the "War on Drugs". I believe it should be replaced by "Education on Drugs" coupled with decriminalization of all illegal drugs. The former will more effectively deal with the societal issues related to drug use and drug addiction whereas the latter will literally decimate the drug cartels. You see, the only reason why drug cartels are able to generate huge profits is because the drugs are banned. Once the drugs are decriminalized, drug cartels will go out of business.