Laws of Politics


Bob Choi & Others

19 September 2013


Bob Choi: 

My Three Laws of Politics:

Law #1: Politics is part of everything we engage in.

Law #2: Whenever politics is involved, truth is often the first sacrifice.

Law #3: Thus, there is no truth in anything we do.


C.C. Lin:  

"Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger". (Script from the 1990 movie "The Godfather Part 3").

Committee to Change the US Constitution in order to Elect BOB CHOI the President of USA 2016.


Bob Choi:

Dr. Lin, thank you for your nomination, but I am not interested in the US presiency.In the US, all the good presidents got shot, remember?NO!Thank you!

I am more interested in running for CE of HKSAR.Here, even the bad CE got promoted to national, prestigious post.I might be crazy, but I am not stupid!


C.C. Lin:

Bob, you are not stupid!However, you are not smart enough to realize that you are not "patriotic" enough and you demonstrated negatively bias against the country of your birth to be the "CE of HKSAR".In fact, using their old and obsolete terminology, you are one of the 'counterrevolutionaries' "for lack of a better word" (script from the 1987 Oliver Stone movie "Wall Street").In the bad old days, "they shoot counterrevolutionaries" (script from the 1965 David Lean movie "Doctor Zhivago").