Your color of urine indicates your health


Bob Choi & Others

10 January 2013


Bob Choi:         If you can learn so much from the color of your urine (see attachment), imagine how much more you can learn from its taste. Well, imagine no more my friends, here are the important indicators:


If it tastes a bit salty, you need to monitor your blood pressure and restrict your salt intake.


If it tastes a bit sweet, you might have diabetes. Check your blood sugar level immediately!


If it tastes "nothing", you have nothing to worry about, except (read the last paragraph).


But most importantly, if you actually taste your own urine, you need to have your brain examined. You might be suffering from terminal Stupidity!


Peter Cheung: Bob, Some old Chinese drink urine from young people. This is smart medicine or poor man's medicine. It has many tasteless hormones which may be good for old people!


Bob Choi:         Hey Peter, now that you mentioned it, I start to recall that when I was a little boy, my mom used to sell my urine to many old people (mostly old men). I wouldn't know if my urine was doing anything good to them, and my mom never shared with me the money she made from selling MY VIRGIN URINE! But now there is no doubt in my mind that in those days a lot of old men in my neigborhood were walking around with MY HORMONES in their bodies...yeeeaaakkk!!!


Peter Cheung: I wish I knew this earlier!!!    Lance Armstrong


C.C. Lin:           Dr. Peter, based on your good professional advice, we all should learn to drink the urine of "HEALTHY" young people and ignore our Master Bob's "UNHEALTHY" and possibly X-rated advice. Do we have to select from healthy young male or female urine because it contains different hormones which also changes with time?


Peter Cheung: CC, If your group can find a way to get rid of the urea, I dont mind it from who!!!:)))


C.C. Lin:           Dr. Peter, good advice, but I have to ask our Master Bob to conduct a professional market research and cost analysis first.


Kay Mak:         Peter, “Urine”, Don’t say “ I don’t mind it from who”!!!!

Funny Story: My friend picked up her Indonesian Helper from the agent immediately upon her arrival. She did not trust the report from the agent so my friend asked the helper to submit the urine sample to my friend direct and got the report which was OK. Three months later, my friend found out that her helper got pregnant. You know why ? Her helper(A) asked other fellow helper(B) to give her the urine sample, reason being that, helper A knew that she got

pregnant at home before she made for HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!


KT Lai:             Kay, your friend (male, I suppose) should ask the new maid to deliver the urine immediately without waiting the next day.

Then, there must be a lot of readily available urine samples in the toilet.


Kay Mak:         KT, my friend is a female. She collected the urine sample in the agent office when she picked up her maid!




Your color of urine indicates your health


資料提供者:KT Lai

3 January 2013


To your good health - URINE COLOUR INDICATORS


1.    Yellow

Healthy urine goes from clear to pale yellow, dark yellow to amber, says consultant urologist Tim Terry. This depends on hydration levels, but if you're somewhere in the yellow team, you can breathe easy.


2.    Green

Some antiseptics and anaesthetics give urine a green tinge, says Terry.

This is thanks to methylene blue, a dye which kidneys sometimes struggle with. Nothing too much to worry about though.


3.    Orange

This is a sign of liver dysfunction, warns Terry. If your urine is this colour and you notice that your stools are white, it could be obstructive jaundice. Put down that beer - it's GP time.


4.    Brown

Muddy-looking pee means kidney problems. This can be a sign of serious renal disease, even a fistula, says Terry. That's when your bowel leaks into your bladder. Taxi to hospital now.


5.    Red

This is really bad. Blood in your urine can mean a haemorrhage or cancer.

In anyone over 40 we assume it's bladder cancer, unless proven otherwise, says Terry. Get yourself to the doctor, quickly.
