PSY Gangnam Style (1)


Bob Choi & Others

3 December 2012


Bob Choi:

OK, now I must admit I am out-of-touch with the taste of the general public...maybe I am really getting a bit too old. Otherwise, how can something so boring and untalented become so popular around the world? This Gangnam dance ("horseriding dance") is completely nil in terms of aesthetics, artistry, agility left alone grace or style. Yet, apparently it's becoming the craze and the chubby korean who is as handsome and presentable as your everyday used car salesman is a global celebrity and is a candidate for the Man of the Year of Time Magazine.

How could this happen? How could people develop such a poor taste? Believe me when I say this is not a case of the sour grape. I am not jealous of PSY... I am utterly disappointed at the taste of the general public and I feel I must speak my mind. For those of you who is a fan of PSY and his style of dance, I apologize.



Stella Tse:

I've been making the same complain to my family and friends on PSY, I just don't see anything so special about this dance; as far as I am concerned, MJ is still the most talented dancer, bar none. This is the world we live in now - mass media hype grows on itself.



Tim Ho:

Stella and Bob, the public acceptance on PSY's dance of Gangnam Style is quite interesting. In below, I just describe my experience with it.

At present, I take line dance classes with two teachers, Christine and Emily whilst Emily is my principal teacher. I follow Christine for one class in a church since last year.

In church, some line dances are forbidden to be taught (because of unacceptable song and wild steps motion) and Christine announced that if we like, she could teach this dance in her own studio. For this special class, the cost is $10 per person and she must at least 10 students to cover this extra cost. She opened two classes for this dance and there are more than 20 women to learn. Before the normal class, some women still discuss the steps and the age of the women ranges 30s to 40s. I just don't know why they are so serious about that.

Emily doesn't like this dance and she criticizes the background and words of the song. However, she told her assistant instructor Vivian ( a Korean woman who taught aerobic dance before migration) to teach us in review class ( informal class). The steps are simple and we just "enjoyed" for 5-10 minutes.( not all mates to dance). Vivian yelled and shout in the manner of aerobic dance. We just jump/dance for fun and for exercise. I joked to my fellows that we saved $20.

(Christine and Emily are friends. Christine is one of the four instructors who ran for Yee Hong Fund Raising party two years ago and Stella, Helena and Adeline were there. )

MJ is a talented dancer and PSY is a different type of aerobic dancer.



Simon Tham:

I have yet to see this video, but I do not want to add to his soaring popularity and mindlessness. I completely agree with Bob. Where is the world deteriorating to?



Gay Mak:

今年九月三十日 ( 中秋節正日 ),我從河北趕回香港參加老友兒子的婚宴,結果從晚上六時被困至午夜十二時多,當中更被迫觀看了騎馬舞的表演,媽的!可能是我真的out 了,我不欣賞,又有可能我對韓國佬有偏見吧。 我還是最喜歡荔園第四劇場的舞。



Peter Wu:

肉麻當有趣…that's what it is all about. Like you, I question the mentality of those who take the dance to heart. Another fad which went crazy for a short while but died a short natural death is planking. It was mindless, without merit and a total waste of time. Yet it took off and went viral for a short while. That it is totally forgotten is because it is devoid of any substance whatsoever. I believe Gangnam style will follow suit soon.



Dr. Hon:

Ha ha, you've all missed the point. Of course Psy isn't a natural born dancer like MJ and the song has no real asethetic value. Remember we aren't Psy's target audience. The MV is meant for the young ones and they have very different taste. My parents produced similar criticism of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and later MJ. Some of MJ's dance moves are quite obscene.

I asked my younger son why the Gangham Style is so popular, here's his explanation.

1. It's freaky, catchy and funny. You normally see handsome guys and pretty girls singing and dancing to hot beats. You don't get to see a chubby middle age man dancing and singing in such an outlandish way in a MV everyday. Most young people laugh at some point of watching the MV.

2. Apart from being funny, the dance steps are quite easy to learn. This is very important for pop music and dance as it enables community participation which is one of the reasons why the MV go viral.

3. It had tremendous celebrity endorsement. A tweet by the American Rapper, T-Pain about PSY was retweeted 2,400 times. It's no cost marketing and works miles better than any promotion on the television.

4. Facebook & Youtube! If his MV was released a few years ago, he might not have achieved the astronomical success he enjoyed today. Without the technology to "connect" him to his audiences to the other end of the world, he might only be famous in South Korea.

5. PSY has waived copyright of his MV. It means that Gangnam Style has already enjoyed a prolific after-life. Everyone has made their own version, which only adds to the success of the original.


-To be continued-