方順生撰文談家事、國事 (4)


Bob Choi & Others

28 August 2013


Metis Hon:              Peter Tsang & C.C. Lin, thank you! You both are being very generous.


Peter Tsang, my 'school girl' written Chinese is nowhere near as good as you described.  I'm sure all of you can write better than me, you are just busy to have a go! Since retirement, I've now more time to read and write Chinese and I'm just making use of the forum to practice my rusty writing. It's one of my latest strategies to exercise my brain and stop myself going ga ga prematurely. So please just bear with me and allow me the chance to indulge myself from time to time.


Bernard and I are now in Denmark's regal capital, Copenhagen. We just had the most pleasant, entertaining and enjoyable evening with Elsa and Kaj, lots of reminiscing of Hong Kong in the sixties and China's development in the last 20 years.


Peter Tsang:            Responding to your below e-mail, I have the following comment for your kind consideration.


As I have mentioned in my previous e-mails that we can never choose our birth nationality. If our parents are Chinese, we are bon Chinese. But for the government, my understanding is just like colours of a cat, whether it is white or black, if it catches mice, it is a good cat.


I regard patriotic is peoples loves towards her country. Where as government, is a management authority which her people will accept & support only if it can lead the country to stability & prosperity. I myself do not have special interest in politics but despite of how poor & bad my country is, I will still love my own country, despite of whatever circumstances. Metis is a very good walking sample of being a patriotic overseas HK Chinese, though living in UK for more than thirty eight years. I consider that to criticize the government should not be labeled “unpatriotic” but on the contrary, to follow with constructive & contributive ideas is obviously, patriotic. China is a big country with huge population. Its advancement as observed for the past decades is at all uneasy. Edward Snowden definitely disagrees with the US government but there is nil evidence to proven that he doesnt love his own country.


Please excuse me of voicing out my opinion, direct & straight. I have no intention, whatsoever, of hurting anyone. I treasure & precious the freedom of speech in Hong Kong which is, up to the present, still proudly owned by the HK people.


Bob, you are always my good NMC schoolmates as well as my English teacher. Please offer me your comment & opinion.


Bill Leung:               一字記之曰


C.C. Lin:                   Peter Tsang, very well stated point of view! You have my respect!


Kay Mak:                 Metis, try to pick up modern Chinese is good, however never ever learning from Petro & Gay, eg, Poke Guy! XYZ etc. Try to learn from 才子 Bob & Tomca.


Please tell Elsa do spare some time to visit Guangzhou,  it has changed a lot during the last two years.  The phrase  Two of 天河(i.e 珠江新城)is so beattiful, it is well planned & designed.  We got a very nice & huge under ground shopping Mall & a very big garden/square on ground level.  I stayed two days there last month, there are so many good hotels , like Riz Carlton, Grand Hyatt.... my impression is, the Guangzhou Government wants to develop this area like Central HK.


Metis Hon:              Kay, well, you guys have done a bloody good job in 1968. I have managed to pick up the worst 三字經when I was in A2 from you lot! Like a river of return, that pure and simple young girl has turned into a foul mouthed fishwife!


I don't know why, I must have born with a deceptive look of innocence and a stupid face because history repeats itself when I first started working in the college. Part of my Induction from the engineering chaps were to teach me to say the word SHIT in every other sentence!


Will pass the message about the new development in Guangzhou to Elsa & Kaj when we meet again this morning.



-The End-