My Daughter's Wedding

Bob Choi

30 April 2013


We are back from Bali, safe and sound. Now one of my daughter was married, just one more to go, ha...


I ended my speech with a poem. I always sound stiff when I read from a prepared script so I recited it instead. It came out pretty much the way I intended it.




Of all the men who fell for you, Carol

who worshiped you on a pedestal

and would promise to make your daddy a very rich man

you picked Billy

why? Carol why? could it be love?


Of all the pretty women who beat on your door, Billy

who wanted to cook for you, do your laundary

and bear your children (soon enough I hope!)

you picked Carol

why? Billy why? could it be love?


Of all the places we could have gone

we came to Nusa Lembongan

a small island some of us have never heard of

it's so beautiful it looks like a scene

from Indiana Jones or Romancing the Stone

why are we here? could it be love?


Life is nothing if not full of surprises

and there are touble even in paradise

so don't despair but be prepared

when one day you wake up from the wrong side of the bed

have a big fight and wish one another dead


When that happens (if it hasn't already happened yet!)

please remember this

remember today, remember lembongan

and remember all your family and friends

who gathered here today to give your blessings


Carol and Billy, we love you

and we have absolute faith in you

and we are very proud of you

for taking your first step to a brave new world

So OFF YOU GO! Billy and Carol, OFF YOU GO!