Tomb of Jesus?

Bob Choi

1 March 2012


When I read I always read with an open mind AND skepticism, especially when it was written by some alleged authority on the subject matter. But still I was shocked when I read that an archeologist from the University of North Carolina claimed that he had found the Tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem. The inscriptions in ancient Hebrew said: "Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary". And no, the tomb was not empty. As a matter of fact, in an adjoining chamber, they also found a tomb with the inscription "Magdalene"...


Can these be the tombs of Jesus and Magdalene from the Bible or are these just coincidences? Afterall, "Jesus" and "Magdalene" could be rather common names in those days, right?


We might never know the answer unless we do the unthinkable: Clone the DNA of the remains of "Jesus" and see what we get. I don't mean any disrespect to the Christian community, but WHAT IF the "resurrection" of Jesus as described in the Bible was actually a prophecy and not an account of what happened and the cloning of the DNA of the remains will in fact be the resurrection of Jesus!


I understand this would mean the resurrection will be more science than divine and it will occur 2000 years late. This spells BLASPHEMY! But it's better late than never, right?