A response to “illicit affairs/sexual indiscretions are the graveyard of male public figures”

Bob Choi

23 May 2011


In the not-too-ancient China, the men and women peasants who were caught with adultery would be drowned in "pig cages" in the nearest river.  Nowadays, there are no more drowning, but instead the men would pay heavily one way or another and the women would become instant celebrities by authoring books or appearing on talk shows.  May I stick my neck out by saying that justice was more equal in the old days?  After all, it takes two to commit adultery.  As far as we know, none of the women involved with Tiger Woods (for example) were role models of female chastity.  They certainly knew what they were getting into.  They had everything to gain from the affairs and born absolutely no risks.  If adultery is such a bad thing, why are the women (consenting co-conspirators) not punished in any way?


I say, bring back the "pig cages" so we may restore the sexual morality that was long lost...


Of course, I am just kidding.  We have come a long way in liberating men and women from sexual oppression imposed by some churches and governments.  Sex is no longer regarded a taboo, something that's dirty, inherently evil.  The only obstacle that lies in our quest for true liberation is our fixation on monogamy: the interesting notion that if one truly loves a woman (or man) then one should forsake all other women (or men).  Our belief in monogamy is so strong that we have written it into the law (the oath of marriage).  It doesn't take a genius to realize that this particular law is meant to be broken because it runs contrary to human sexuality.


I say, let's honor the Arnold Terminator and the Tiger Woods of the world because they are true heroes.  They dare show to the world (at no small personal sacrifices of their own!) the true nature of human sexuality.  They are great human beings and wonderful teachers for us all.


Of course, I am just kidding...