Some thoughts on sobering statistics...

Bob Choi

17 August 2011


The truth is: if the US government was a family, it would have been bankrupted many years ago, several times over.  But instead, it spent and is still spending lots of money to build the most advanced war planes, the fastest nuclear submarines and the deadliest neutron bombs.  Why?


Because it needs all these weapons so when someday its creditors show up at its doors, asking: "Hey, Uncle Sam, when are you going to pay the money you owe me?", it can say: "Shut the 'fook' up, you moron, or I am going to blow you away!"


If you find this somewhat hard to believe, consider the following analogy: your neighbor owes you money.  He is a collector of all sorts of firearms (pistols, rifles, shotguns, even machine guns) and all you have is an old baseball bat and a broken garden shovel.  How likely would you knock at his door and ask for you money back?


Oh, by the way, he (your neighbor) also happens to be the local sheriff, ok?


Now you know why China needs an aircraft wants to be able to collect his debt from the US!  "Pay your debt, Moron, or I am going to blow you away!"