

Bob Choi & Others

15 January 2013


Bob Choi:              Even the most elementary science textbooks will describe how every single atom present in this planet is being recycled: the carbon cycle, the hydrogen cycle, the oxygen cycle and nitrogen cycle, etc. This recycling is universal and not just between humans. That much we are sure of.


The trouble begins however when we attempt to understand what "mind" or "soul" is. If we can't even decide what our "soul" is made of, it will be futile to discuss whether or not it's being recycled (reincarnated). For all we know, maybe other animals or even plants might have "soul". By the way, the author seemed to acertain that only human have soul. I am not so sure because I don't even know what soul really is.


Peter Cheung:      We may look at ' Soul' subjectively---i.e. whatever you think it is!
Or you can look at the molecular changes in your brain when you are so "soulful". But then it is like drawing figures including the internals.


Same for LOVE. Some scientists do try to map changes in your brain when you are in LOVE. I think the subjective way is more appealing because it has no boundary. Sometimes it enables us to do marvelous things.