The Constitution of the People's Republic of China


Bob Choi

21 August 2013


I am not sure all of you have read The Constitution of the People's Republic of China.  I just did a while ago.  It is an eye-opener, believe me!  I'd like to draw your attention to following articles in Chapter Three: Fundamental Rights And Duties of Citizens...


Article 86. All citizens of 18 years or older will have the right to vote and to stand for elections.  (Universal suffrage in China!!  Really?)


Article 87. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of procession and freedom of demonstration.  (Wow!! then can someone please tell me what exactly happened on June 6 at Tiananmen Square?)


Article 88. Freedom of religion.  (unless you happen to be a Catholic!)


Article 89. No citizen may be arrested except by decision of a people's court or with the sanction of a people's procuratorate.  (Unless you are considered a political dissident!)


Article 90. Citizens enjoy freedom of residence and freedom to change their residence. (Hmmm...)


Next time if any of your friends say that China is not a democracy, ask them to read our Constitution.