The Full Moon

Bob Choi

12 September 2011


This year 9/11 is closely followed by the Mid-Autumn Festival, a time to rejoice, to share with loved ones.  Let me offer for your enjoyment this rerun of a poem I wrote a few years back:


Legendary Maiden


Her bright smile lights up

the starry sky

shroud of clouds unveils

full perfect brilliance

of the beautiful she.


Soft, dimpled plumpness

and willowy crescent

ebbs and wanes like

the button of a belly dancer

of the playful she.


In the quiet of the sleepless night

she whispers in our hearts

blissful delight and

sad melancholy

of the soulful she.


In the world of the occult

she rules absolute

witches, vampires

lunatics and werewolves

of the mythical she.