

KT Lai & Others

3 August 2013


KT Lai:










人造化學產品目前已有一千萬種以上,這些產品遍佈衣食住行,以穿在腳上的鞋子來說,市面上百分之九十以上所供應的都是人造鞋底,這與傳統自然材質的草鞋、布鞋木鞋甚至於皮鞋最大的不同是 - 不導電。

人體是個生物電磁場,我們生活在大自然的大電磁場中,一旦大自然的平衡更改或被阻擋,身心都會引起病態、不舒服。各種 “ 先進 ” 現代化的城市裡鋪滿柏油路、水泥地、地磚,都是不導電的物質。再加上乘坐橡皮輪胎的車子、人工鞋底,現代人可以一天二十四小時都在「絕緣體」世界生活,它所造成的問題很值得去探討。


祝 健康 快樂


Tim Fook: 

For being an engineer in China Light for so many years especially working in the environment of distribution station.

What had you done to get rid of statics ?


KT Lai:    

To discharge the static charge of your body, we will wear a anti-static bracelet (you can buy it from the electronic component shop) having a meter long earthing wire and clip at the other end. When we are working on the digital equipment e.g. inspecting the electronic parts (some of it is sensitive static charge e.g. microprocessor for computer)  of its components, we need to wear this bracelet with the other end tied to real earth. So when you want to discharge the static charge of your body, do wear this bracelet and clip the other end to real earth for a few second, at home you can clip it to the water pipe. The normal dry ground is not a good real earth for discharge. That is to say, 濕潤的草地上光腳走 is not a good way to discharge the static charge of your body.  "他帶著父親到濕潤的草地上光腳走了十分鐘,第二天早上,家人發現老董事長沈睡了一晚,精神煥發地醒來 "  may not be due to  "濕潤的草地上光腳走"  , it may due to he is walking for 10 min (i.e. doing exercise for 10 min).

Anti-static bracelet tied to water pipe for very short time is the most effective way for discharging charge of your body. But don't tie this bracelet to water pipe all the time.


Tim Fook:    

Thanks for advice.

What is the cost of the bracelet . I think that I can walk with bare feet on my front and backyard as many Canadians do.


KT Lai: I've said that bare feet walking is not the best way to discharge your body charge. The effective electrical earth is down to more than 1 m deep into the ground. So the root of the plants or grass in your backyard will not be a good electrical earth.

Tim Fook:

Yes, I do note your words.

Over 30 years ago, there is a theory that you walk with bare feet on pebbles for stimulating your blood circulation. Though not an effective way to get this practiced , you may have take one alternatives.


KT Lai:

Stepping on pebbles (to stimulate your foot's 反射區/穴位) with bare feet is a different thing from discharging your body's static charge. We are now talking about the static charge of the body. Don't mix up these two.


Tim Fook:

OK. It seems that walking on pebbles is have two things to be done, ie getting off static and stimulating your nerves.


KT Lai:

I haven't said walking on pebbles can get off your body's static charge. I said it is not a good way to get off your body's static charge, as solid ground has high contact resistance to real earth.