Reply to questions of Mr. Peter Wu

Bob Choi

20 March 2012


The process for this CE election is of course far from ideal.  We all know from the start that Big Brother will have the final say on the matter.  Remember, according to the Basic Law, the new elected CE, whoever it might be, will need to be officiated by the Central government...and that will remain so even after we attain universal suffrage by 2017.  What will happen if a Democratic candidate win in 2017 and the Central government refuses to officiate him/her into office?  All hell will break loose!


Unfortunately, the CE election process is governed by the provisions in the Basic Law.  Unless we amend the appropriate articles in the Basic Law, we must all follow it to the letter.


I'd consider the election of 2012 a trial run for make sure we can follow the process as it is laid down.  We are supposed to have universal suffrage by 2017.  The process will be different then.  I hope it will be executed accordingly.  That brings back the (hypothetical) question I posted earlier:  What will happen if a Democratic candidate win in 2017 and the Central government refuses to officiate him/her into office?