Easter Bunny vs. Santa Claus


Bob Choi

13 March 2010


Hey, you all:

Who’s the festive attraction

deserving more of your attention?

Santa who brings you presents in sleighs

or I who have to hide eggs all over the place?


You should know:

Santa marks Christ’s birthday,

but ah ha…everyone has a birthday!

I celebrate Christ’s resurrection

in itself a truly unique distinction!


You asked: Who laid those Easter eggs?

Not sure, must be a duck or chick.

How come they are made of chocolate?

You silly, they were laid by a chocolate duck or chick!


Now, consider who works harder:

Santa gets help from his army of elves

but I have to do everything by myself!

Santa goes HO! HO! HO! Jolly good fellow!

while I go hop, hop, hop with my butt in toll!


Let me appeal to your sense of fairness:

In keeping up the good Christian tradition,

who deserves the most honorable mention?

Indulgent Santa sitting on his big fanny

or this little diligent egg-hiding Easter Bunny?