Four reasons why we should recall the Obama Presidency

Bob Choi

17 January 2012


My fellow citizens, three years into his presidency, Barack Obama has not only reneged on his campaign promises, but has put this our beloved country on a most dangerous course of irreparable disaster.  I believe I am speaking for all concerned and fair-minded Americans when I say we must recall Obama NOW!  The following are travesties committed by Obama since he took office on 20th January 2009.  I would let the facts speak for themselves:


1.           Obama has corrupted the spiritual foundation of this country!  In his inauguration address, he dared mention the atheists as a group that he would welcome to his fold.  This is absurd!  This is pure blasphemy!  This country was founded by religious, God-fearing men and women.  On the back of each greenback are the words “In God We Trust”.  Doesn’t this mean anything to you, Mr. President!  Hear me you: Atheists are not welcome in this country; they shouldn’t even be tolerated.  The only good atheists are dead atheists.  They should all be shot on sight!


2.           Obama is a liar!  He ran his presidential campaign on change.  It was a grave misfortune that he actually won by a narrow margin.  (48% of the voters voted for McCain!)  I believe I am speaking for each of the 48% of voters when I say that so far it appears that the more things change, the more they stay the same.  For one thing, the White House is still white and.  Obama is still black.  I wouldn’t call this “change”, would you?  We cannot tolerate a president who lied to his people even on something as clear cut as black and white!


3.           Obama is a reverse bigot!  He has appointed several minorities to key positions, a number that far exceeds the previous presidents.  While I can understand why Obama might appoint a few token minorities to some low-level, immaterial positions so the US may look good in the eyes of the international community, I must say he has overdone it.  He is turning his cabinet into the “United Nations”, for heaven’s sake!  Let’s not forget, this country was first settled by white pilgrims who came onboard the Mayflower.  The white folks deserve more respect and they should hold most if not all of the key government positions!   Obama clearly discriminates against the white folks.  He is a bigot.  We must not tolerate a president who indulges in bigotry even if it is in reverse!


4.           Obama is a communist!  Just yesterday, Obama announced a cap on executive pay at $500 thousand a year.  This is unbelievable!  We all know this amount is less than what a top CEO in America would pay for his 3-martini lunches in a year.  This will send all our top CEOs to the poorhouse!  To make as much money as we can in as short a time as possible is a motto enshrined in our capitalistic “temple”; it is literally guaranteed by the US Constitution.  Any attempt to tinker with this is anti-American, unpatriotic and yes, communistic.  We don’t want a communist as our president, do we?  We might as well ship Obama to China!


On the basis of these undeniable facts, I hereby petition an immediate recall of Barack Obama and his vice president.  John McCain and Sarah Palin should take charge of the White House as they should have in the first place.  If you agree with me and I really see no reasons whatsoever why you wouldn’t, please sign your name below and email to  Your attention to this matter will be much appreciated.  I need your support.  Your country needs your support.  Thank you!