Laugh of the Day


Dr. Hon Yuk Ching & Others

28 June 2013


Dr. Hon:           My dear Peter Wu the deadly serious,


Nobody can do humor+seriousness as brilliant as you and our Sifu Bob Choi! So here're the NMC awards for our deadly funny satirists:


The Best 'Think outside the Box commentator' Award to Bob Choi, the Chinese Shakespeare.


The Best 'A Laugh A Day Political Satirist' Award to Pedro the not very secret NZ Triad .


So, now what about letting us have our daily laugh of the day?!


Yuk Ching with zero sense of humor


Bob Choi:         Upon my death, I shall donate all my organs and everything in me to whoever need them, except for two items which I wish to keep on my trip:


1.      My sexual organ: I had promised my wife that I would stay true to her even in death. If I let some other guy use my organ, it will be the same as if I break my promise. (Also I have heard that there is an over-supply of beautiful women in heaven. I should equip myself just in case this is true!)


2.      My sense of humor: I will need that if I end up in hell! 


Dr. Hon:           The best accepting speech, brief and right to the point, Oscar award winners should take note!


                        Peter Wu, where are you? We're waiting.


Peter Wu:        Now you really put me on the spot.


                        How can I say something humorous when I am not?


                        You can’t get blood out of stones can you?


                        Bob Choi is different. He is the Bob Choi of all trades and all literatures.


                        Everyone can’t wait to get inside him to find out why he is such a boy-man wonder.


                        Well, they are welcome to open, dig and prod into my body on my passing. They might just be shocked to find that it is full of hot air and other indescribable stuff.


                        Peter Wu… who is always full of shit.