

Stella Tse & Others

31 October 2012


Stella:              This article today on the Toronto Star is pretty much what I also think about Obama; too bad!



Dr. Hon:           I agree. This is an apted observation of Obama after his first term. He's been severely hardened and brutalized by reality and the opposition. This election is so close, most political commentators don't even want to forecast who will win. However, all kinds of events can happen in the next few days, maybe the Republicans will say something stupid again on rape and abortion to further antagonize female voters. You never know. One thing for certain, even if Obama wins, we won't see a repeat of the 2008 brilliant acceptance speech. His hair could probably become all white at the end of his second term.


Stella:              Dr. Hon and All, I think that Rowney will win, just a hunch, we'll see.


Simon:             Agree with Dr. Hon and Stella and the article. This is what politics is all about. And I am too stupid and ignorant to understand any of it.

Americans have waited for 'change' - the clarion call of Obama. So far, nothing has changed. Maybe, a change in the White House is necessary.... again!


Peter Wu:       Thanks for the article.

One thing I do remember about his race to become the president four years ago was the slogan ¡¥Yes we can¡¦.

I can only assume it means yes we can win the presidency and yes we can make fundamental changes to how things are done in the US.

He was elected with such promise to the extent that the Nobel Committee gave him the peace award shortly after he became president, albeit prematurely and controversially.

Four years down the track, his score-card is pretty mediocre. He spent the first two years pushing Medicare through Congress while the economy tanked.

Other than that, I am not aware of any other notable achievements under his watch. You may argue that by killing Osama Bin Laden, he has made the US a safer place. But others are saying that the Al Queda is already a spent force so whether taking Osama out or not makes little difference to US security.

I am surprised that the Mitt Romney camp didn¡¦t mock him with a new slogan called ¡¥No, you can¡¦t¡¦.

If they do, it will give him more white hair.


-To be continued-