Conspiracy and all that cloak and dagger stuff

Peter Wu

7 May 2011


Conspiracy indeed and there is no shortage of them.  Just naming a few:


Marilyn Monroe – instead of committing suicide, some say she was killed, for getting too intimate with the Kennedy brothers.


JFK – I don’t think the Russians have forgotten him about the Cuba Missile crisis.


American landing on the Moon – Some say it never happened.


The deaths of Elvis Presley – His reported sightings are everywhere.


Dalai Lama – Some say he is on the payroll of the Chinese intelligence service as without him, Tibet is un-governable.


Ma Ying-jeou – Many believe he is a plant from the Chinese intelligence service, to promote unification with Mainland China.


The crash of two airliners into the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania on Sep 11 – Many say they never happened, because of a lack of wreckages.


Obama is a Muslim – Despite showing his long-form birth certificate, a sizeable number of people, apparently Republicans, remain unconvinced.  Now Bin Laden.


You believe what you choose to believe.  We live in a free society.