White Friday! (3)


Shirley Hung & Others

10 January 2014


Bob Choi:                 At times like this, we all wish the threat of global warming is for real and that we all need to pitch in to speed it up!


Peter Cheung:         If our Toronto gangs can survive their cold weather, I would not wish for global warming yet. My toes were numb yesterday morning. I put on 2 toe warmers this morning and it worked. Now I prepare for the next cold snap.


Bob Choi:                 Sorry, I just can't resist.  For those of you who have gotten tired of this torturous weather, I have the perfect solution: Come to Discovery Bay, Lantau Island.  I will find you a warm, cozy retirement flat at a fraction of what it would cost 2 years ago.  Thanks to the government's price-control measures, now you can buy a nice, beach-front unit at down-to-earth prices.  I must admit I will benefit if you decide to repatriate to Hong Kong... I am counting on your support and your votes of course when I run for the CE post in 2017.


Stella Tse:               I cannot remember a harsher winter than this in our 43 years in Canada.  Temp is down to lower than -30C wind chill for quite a number of days.  The international airport is like a zoo with people stranded, and some people has had to wait for their luggage for 7 hours!  Chicago O'Hare is not much better.  Winter is not even 1 month old.   


Tim Fook:                 In last year, I think that coldest weather was the year 1995 when I arrived in Canada. That year in mid night, with wind chill factor, the temp is approaching –40C but not the day time. Now, we have this weather in the daytime.


Last night, it was so cold that I had to shovel the icy-snow barrier left on the driveway by snow-ploughing work of Municipal Office.



-To be continued-