This world could still end


Peter Wu

24 December 2012


I’ve never believed for one nano-second this Mayan end-of-the-world bull shit.

Why? Because they are not the first to have predicted this (and won’t be the last either) and none of these predictions turn out to be true so why should I believe them?

Having said that, I don’t think we should totally dismiss the notion of the end of the world, or the end of the human race through one of two reasons:

a. We have created the means to destroy human civilisation in the form of nuclear bombs and

b. We are slowly destroying this planet through global warming.

The risk for the former is much reduced now that the Yanks and the Soviets are no longer at each other’s throat. But the risk for the latter is very real albeit gradual. Nevertheless, these are real risks but nobody can say for certain when they are (if they are) going to destroy this planet. While we are waiting and seeing, an asteroid could well strike the earth planet which send all of us into oblivion. Who knows?

When that happens, no amount of guns will save us.