Wendi Deng-Murdoch (1)


Peter Wu & Others

17 June 2013


Peter Wu:      Other than being the soon-to-be ex-wife of Rupert, she will become another ¡¥house-keeper¡¦ ¡V I am sure she will end up keeping a few houses as part of the divorce settlement, and enough money to sink an aircraft-carrier in her bank account. How nice!


I struggle to understand why a marriage of such disparity ¡V age, cultures, up-bringing, motives ¡V will work. But then both had their own ¡¥reasons¡¦ for coming together at the time. It¡¦s just that those reasons no longer provide the glue that hold them together.


I can¡¦t wait to see the divorce settlement because of the complexity caused by multiple marriages, and the politics and representation on the board of News Corp. Like the saga involving Stanley Ho, it could turn messy.


I love it ¡V the more dirty linen they wash in pubic, the better.


Bob Choi:      Rumor has it that Murdock has been taking Viagara throughout his marriage with Wendi Deng (indeed the rumor was started by one no other than Wendi herself!) It turns out Viagara when used on a long-term basis will start losing its effectiveness (this is referred to as drug tolerance). Now that poor Murdock is permanently "disarmed", he no longer needs to have Wendi around for "target practice", so he decides to cut his losses...


Hold it! What I have just said was mean and cynical and insensitive. Let me try another version: they got married because they fell in love with one another in a big way. Their love for one another is getting so strong that they are convinced that they will continue loving each other regardless of their marital status, and they wanted to test it out by getting a divorce... this sounds a whole lot better, right?


Stella Tse:      Bob - both of your versions may work, who knows.  As far as what attraction was there in the first place; I always wonderwhen a woman marries an older but successful man whether there is something more than money (I want to be nice & objective!), so sometimes I come up with reasons like a wealthy successful man must have certain charm that attracts woman, maybe that's the case with Murdoch.  By parting their ways, I hope it makes them both happier.



To be continued