章魚、魷魚和烏賊的膽固醇太高?? No No No…?? (1)


Peter Cheung & Others

28 September 2013


Peter Cheung:         Cholesterol is an important constituent of the cell membrane in every cell of our body.


There is about 5 % cholesterol in the cell membrane. Our cells have a mechanism to keep this 5% constant. If the cholesterol in our blood is low----eg from taking statin drugs or eating low cholesterol diet, the cells will gear up the synthesis mechanism to make more cholesterol. If we eat too much cholesterol, the cells will stop making cholesterol. For people who are genetically to make more cholesterol---eg type 2 diabtics--- insulin will go up when we eat too much and have insulin resistance and it will elevate cholesterol synthesis in our liver. 


Cholesterol is from 2 sources: diet(about 30%) and endogenous synthesis(about 70%). There are people whose cholesterol levels do not change much even if they eat a lot of high cholesterol foods. They are different.


For those who have high cholesterol and high triglyceride you better watch out what you eat and listen to your doctor to take some statin drug.


Some cholesterol is oxidized and will be taken up by the macrophages which move around. Some of them will go into our vessel wall, esp at vessel bends and turns where the fluid flow rate is higher(even higher if you have hpertension). There they will do their job---to clean up and raise alarm(inflammation) if too much injury is detected.


You are ok but only if you are young and healthy. When you are old and eat too much junk food---generating too much work for the clean-up crew---there will be chronic alarm/inflammation. The thickening/plaque at the bends and turns will be less stable and eventually breaks open and causes stroke.




                                A good News for you???






但是實際食用以後,並沒有膽固醇高的現象!有些人就認為,這 是牛酸降低膽固醇的功效抵消掉所攝取膽固醇的結果。另外有些人則認為,這些頭足類生物所含的膽固醇大部分是在內臟之中,因此若要食用,只要把內臟除去,就能成為低膽固醇的好食物。東京醫科大學小田原教授則曾經推測:烏賊所含的膽固醇, 可能有抑制脂質被腸道吸收的作用。




農委會水產試驗所指出:從前的儀器並無法鑑別膽固醇與其他固醇類,因此使得蝦、蟹、魷魚等水產品被誤認為是膽固醇很高的食品。事實上只有1/2 1/3 才是真正的膽固醇,比雞肉之含量還低,而且其他固醇類,反而有降低膽固醇在血管中蓄積的功效。而且章魚、魷魚和烏賊的脂肪裡 含有許多的高度不飽和脂肪酸,如:EPADHA 它們卻幾乎沒有飽和脂肪酸。其「升膽固醇指數」比較豬肉、牛 肉、甚至於家禽肉都少,所以在食品營養學上,可以用來調合其 他飽和脂肪酸較高的食物。 (參考資料:1.行政院衛生署台灣地區食品營養成 分資料庫; 2.高血脂症.小田原雅人著中譯本:茂出版.2007.3月初版1刷;3.行政院農業委員會水產試驗所水產 知識淺說)




為導正民眾對魷魚產品膽固醇過高 的刻板印象,農委會漁業署長謝大文昨(13)日特別向國人推廣魷魚,他表 示,魷魚身幾無膽固醇,並具優良蛋白質,含有預防心血管疾病 EPA,及促進嬰幼兒腦部發育的 DHA等高度不飽和脂肪酸,是物美價廉 的好食品。


謝大文指出,民眾普遍對魷魚產品 膽固醇過高存疑,但根據科學分析,魷魚所含膽固醇幾乎完全存 在魷魚內臟裡, 而民眾食用魷魚均已去除內臟, 呼籲民眾安心食用。


Peter Wu:                The first ‘analysis’, by somebody from the department of Agriculture and Fisheries, clearly has a vested interest while the rebuttal, by our own Professor Pete has no axe to grind. Given the two, who do you believe?


Bob Choi:                       A little knowledge could be dangerous. It is certainly more dangerously than having no knowledge and might be as dangerous as having too much knowledge! (a loose translation from Confuscius, I think!). This is all very confusing, isn't it?


C.C. Lin:                   Bob, you are REALLY VERY CONFUSING! 


How do you you define "Having more Knowledge is Dangerous"?



Bob Choi:                 Hey, KT, I was just translating what Confuscius was alleged to have said.  Confuscius was confusing, not I.  I suppose he said too much knowledge (more knowledge) was dangerous because it could be confusing.  I have to say he was right about that.  We are now very much confused about whether cholesterol is good or bad, whether eggs or shell fish are good for your health.  The more we know, the more we know we don't know... this is darn confusing if you ask me!


My mother who didn't know anything about cholesterol and ate just about anything she damn well pleased lived to 99 without the help from any medications whatsoever.  Ignorance is bliss!


KT Lai:                     Not everybody lives up to 99 like your mum.


Bob Choi:                 Sorry C.C. Lin, I replied to KT inadvertantly.  Now, we know Confuscius was named "confuscius" for a reason!


All kidding aside, knowledge is not the same as wisdom.  The former are data, information and analyses regarding a specifc subject matter; the latter is the ability to apply and connect the dots and make sense with it all.  In every field of human endeavour, we see highly knowledgeable individuals who's got all the facts and still could think straight.



Peter Cheung:        If you can live to be 90 or more, it is better not to know too much half-baked knowledge.


Maybe there is some one whose longevity is dependent on high cholesterol. Cholesterol is also important for steroid synthesis---your sex drive, your reproduction, your muscle tone and survival during starvation.


They are a subset of the popu holding the key to the door of longevity. Now the key has been passed on to Bob. There are few labs that would like to have a few cc of your blood for research.


There may be just a fine line between good and not good.  e.g. too much of the 'smart gene' that John Nash and Albert Einstein have may spell schizophrenia for their children.