Robins Nest.......燕詩


Stella Tse & Others

27 August 2013



Stella Tse:             You may have seen this before, but worth  another look.  Got the feeling of empty nest?












白居易 《燕詩》



















Great camera work.


If you watch until the end, mom returns to find she has an empty nester after the last chick takes flight. 


ROBINS....I can't imagine anyone of any age not enjoying this!


In an amazing video clip an American robin lays her four eggs in a hanging basket and the home owners set up a camera to film the results.


To see it allclick here. Should hear it with speakers on...and click to start video. 


Bob Choi:         Yes, we all know how it feels to see our children leaving our "nest" one after another, but I would definitely prefer this "empty nest" blues over the alternative of my children never leave home, not standing on their own feet, not living their own lives independently, not getting married and not raising a family of their own.


I still remember how I felt the moment I read an email Carol sent me after she landed her first job several years ago: "Dad, I thank you for what you have done for me all these years, holding my hands and keeping me safe. Now, I am ready to face the world on my own and I must do so without you holding my hands. But I would like you to hold me in your heart as I hold you in mine."


Stella Tse:       you are blessed to have Carol voicing out her loving sentiment.  Our sons left home many years ago, and though I am sure they love us very much, but I also wish that they would say it out loud like Carol does.