The Unthinkable has happened in the US


Peter Wu & Others

4 October 2013


Peter Wu :

The shutting down of the US Federal Government has begun. With no money to pay their wages and other expenses, thousands of Federal employees have to take voluntary and involuntary leaves, paid or unpaid. Economists reckon this will knock about 1% off US’s GDP growth and possibly hurt its economic recovery.

For the law makers on both sides of the political divide to play chicken with people’s livelihood, this is shameful.
For the inability of a supposedly super-power to pay its bills and to keep on borrowing, this is humiliating.
For all its trumpeting of how nicely a democracy works in the US, this is preposterous.

Much as the US derides communism and its failing, something has to be said about some deep-seated flaws in democracy too. The deadlock and paralysis in Capital Hill is a case in point.

Seen in this context, the benevolent dictatorship political model practiced in Singapore, and the cradle to grave system practiced by the Danish government (and a few of the Scandinavian countries) is not bad after all. Even China, with all its flaws about communism, and abysmal human rights records, has done better. At least China is working; it’s paying the bills and meeting its obligations.

The current stalemate has shown up one fatal flaw about the US political system – the virtual monopoly by the Republicans and the Democrats. What chance is there if you stand as a third party, independent of either party? May be it’s time for the US people to evaluate the viability of its political system and start afresh. But then their political system, like their gun laws, could be enshrined in an amendment to their Constitution which means it cannot be changed?

Going back may be 15 years ago; politics in NZ was also dominated by two parties. No more. With the implementation of the Mixed Members Proportional Representation system (MMP), voted in by a referendum, the field is now open to all. You only need to gain 5% of the total votes to have representation in parliament and that forces the major parties to be more accommodating and more moderate in their policies. The pros and cons of the MMP system are mixed. On balance it seems to be working. I believe Germany has the same system as we do. And a few other countries as well.

One good thing about the current shut-down is border control. Soon you will be able to fly into LA, New York or other major ports of entry without having to go through immigration. For many who is desperate to get into the US, this is an opportunity of a life-time.


Peter Cheung:

As I understand they will get paid later. So they will have paid-later vacation now. The Federal govt will lose money this way.

To some Americans the Obamacare is a socialist idea. They are forced to participate. They dont like to be told to give up fire arms. Same is here.

They cannot foresee when they get old they will be rewarded with affordable care.

Metis Hon:

And US politicians think the rest of the world should take their lead from them!

So federal employees won't get paid, what about the politicians on the Hill, would their salaries and health plan get shut down too?

Bob Choi:

A politcal system (any system) is only as good as the people who run it (the leaders), and the leaders are only as good as the people who elect them in the case of a democracy.  I am of course referring to the quality of the citizens.  So what are the attributes of good citizens?  That's an interesting question, one that has no simple answers, but we must prepare to tackle it if we wish to have good, effective government.  Our willingness to take on this task is the necessary first step towards "good citizentry".