Earthquake in Melbourne!​!!


Peter Wu & Others

30 July 2013


Peter Wu:         I went into a complete panic when I realised a severe earthquake had struck Melbourne Australia, as reported by the Guardian Express below.


I only hope that our dear old school chums Philip Yan and Grace Law in Melbourne are Ok, and that they have an emergency kit with all the essential items they can call on to get by for the foreseeable future.


By the sound of the article, it was an almighty earthquake, felt as far as Western Australia, 3302 kilometers away, (the same distance between Philadelphia to Phoenix).


Unlike all other earthquakes, the shock waves from this earthquake apparently only travelled west-ward, instead of radiating from the epicentre in a series of concentric circles so God must have been smiling on the Kiwis on this occasion.


I am going to 黃大仙 temple to offer my 還神 soon.




The Great Australian Earthquake


Did you know that there was a significant earthquake in Australia a week ago, felt from one coast to the other?


But Las Vegas-based Guardian Express reported it, so it must be true; check this out:


A severe earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 has erupted in an area 20 kilometers east of Seddon.


Seddon is a suburb 7 km west of Melbourne, Australia, with a population of about 4,851 people. It is located in the state of Victoria on the southeast tip of Australia.  The shock effects of the quake have been felt as far away as Napier, in Western Australia, 3,302 kilometers (2,066 miles) from Melbourne.  This suggests that the path of the quake is along the southern part of Australia.


The intensity of earthquakes is measured by the moment magnitude scale (MMS).  Events with magnitudes greater than 4.5 are strong enough to be recorded by a seismograph anywhere in the world.


The death toll for earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.0 to 6.9 can reach 25,000 people.  A large number of buildings in populated areas can be destroyed.   The damage can be experienced far from the epicenter. (Wikipedia)


The depth of the quake near Seddon, as of 5:09 p.m., was 19km, which is over 11 miles deep.


Earthquakes can occur up to 700 kilometers below the surface.


There is an average of one earthquake per year in Australia with a magnitude of 5 or greater and a depth of 0 to 70 km.  (USGS)


By:  Tom Ukinski


Philip Yan:       Thank you for your concern. Me and Grace survived the 6.5 magnitude earthquake in Melbourne! 有驚無險。


Unexpectedly , I have made a small fortune from the surging demand of  "Viagra " which the public stock up in their emergency kit besides the dry shrimp noodles....


Peter Wu:         Don’t worry about me buddy. I am like a cat with nine-lives.


I am not worried about acts of God. Acts from the homo-sapiens (especially the ‘yellow’ variety from the Middle Kingdom) are by far the most worrisome. Look at how they stuff up their own country if not the planet earth big time.


C.C. Lin:          It is  interesting to know that our Master Peter WU managed to create the "6.4 earthquake in Melbourne, Australia" single-handedly from his home in Auckland, New Zealand leading to Yan Gor's Pharmacy in Melbourne making gigantic profit for selling "Viagra". It would be great for Peter to keep up his "GOOD WORK" of making "FAKE EARTHQUAKE" instead of the real one.


Peter Wu:         Great to hear from you Professor Lin. I often wonder how you get on with your frequent and long sojourns in China, helping tiredlessly to turn out batches and batches of Chinese PhD students who aspire to acquire a similar qualification in one of the US universities. I hope you charge them heaps because, like diamonds or other ostentatious goods, the more you charge, the better they think you are. Well, they can afford it anyway so why under-sell yourself?


Well a 6.4 magnitude earthquake did strike the middle of the two (North and South) Islands. Damages appear to be very limited. For un-explicable reasons, an American journalist, Tom Ukinski, reported that the earthquake happened in Melbourne. And based on the other ‘facts’ which he used to embellish his article, he really had no idea what he was writing about. He has since apologised unreservedly for his totally incorrect reporting.


What he did tells me two things about the working of a media organisation. In order to be the first to ‘break the news’, they have no qualms in breaking the rules – in this case, reporting without checking the facts and fudging his materials. Secondly, it shows yet again the quality of geography education in the US. But he is not the only one. Sarah Palin has the same grasp of her world geography as this gentleman, as we have seen already!


Third, it shows just how self-centered the Yanks are. They don’t seem to know a lot about matters outside the States, least of all a small, stone-aged country like Kiwiland. No wonder they have done so poorly in their foreign policy.


OK, Professor Lin, the earthquake is real. It happened in the middle of Kiwiland (middle-earth!). I didn’t fake it. Tom Ukinski did. The next time an earthquake happens in California, keep an eye out for Tom Ukinski’s articles. He could be up to no good.


PS:   How many millions have you made lately being the personal tutor of the Chinese PhD students? Do you need to hire a ‘one-foot-kick’ like me?