Another close election? (1)


Bob Choi & Others

7 November 2012


Bob Choi: While a close election can be exciting to watch(no one likes to watch a game that is lob-sided!) it will unfortunately result in: (1) a deeply divided government in which the winner, whoever that might be, will face an uphill battle in leading the country and (2) the absence of a clear majority or mandate will mean that things will never get done because people will spend all their time debating instead of cooperating. We have seen this happened over and over again. It does not bode well for the next president... whoever that may be!


Dr. Hon:


NYtimes' statistics shows that Obama has a 90.9% chance of winning against Romney's 9.1%.


If Obama wins, nothing is likely to happen to break the deadlock in Washington as Republicans have vowed to continue obstructing his legislative agenda if he returns to the White House. Republicans will also oppose any reform granting illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. It means 4 more hard years for Obama!


If Romney wins, he stands a greater chance of bringing in big change. He would cut taxes, increase defence spending and privatise medicare and Social Security. On foreign policy, Romney keeps changing his mind but he seems to have gone a bit dovish. The judges he appoints to the Supreme Court during his tenure could probably lead to the overturning of Roe v Wade - a woman's right to an abortion!


My bet is Obama will win another term and his hair will turn all white in a year or two!


Stella Tse:Agreed on all counts!


Dr. Hon:   Forecasts from the Princeton Election consortium and the NYT FiveThirtyEight blog put Obama slight ahead of Romney.


Bob Choi: Assuming Obama is re-elected, he needs to find a way to overcome the obstacles set up by the Republicans if he wants to bring about any real changes. He had tried for the past 4 years to no avail and must now consider a more drastic, unconventional approach. This is where I might come in...


For a reasonable fee, I will despatch a team of highly trained assassins and systemically take out all the Republicans who are standing in the way. This is how it was done in China throughout the dynasties and it is still being practiced todate albeit in more covert fashion.


If Romney wins, I shall offer him a similar service to make sure the Democrats will shut up for good. Either way, something will get done this time instead of debating and finger-pointing to no end. You see, I am non-partisan when it comes to politics and have my eyes on the "big picture". What the US needs are more folks like me,CEO, Assassins for More Effective Government, Inc.


-To be continued-