Dental Health (4)


Peter Cheung and Others

23 December 2011



Thanks everyone for your thoughts and kind wishes for my mother. With her positive attitude, your thoughts and prayers and under good medical care I am getting more confident that she will recover from this.




Johnson, I didn't make the linkage with my mom's tooth infection with her knee problem until I started learning more about Charles and the personal insights some of our friends are sharing. I then remember what the doctor said and now it all comes together.




Thanks Danny for sharing her own example to give us another reminder of how we must listen to our body and to take care of ourselves. Thanks Peter for sharing your professional experience. I also need to learn more from Metis. In addition to my mom's health challenge, my mother-in-law who is 90 years old had two bad falls this year. The latest one had caused a shift of her 1st and 2nd vertebra to have an atlantodental gap at a high risk level. My father-in-law who turns 91 yesterday is all stressed out over the last 6 months worrying about his wife. Fortunately my late husband came from a family of four. So in between the 3 older siblings and me, we are able to give them a lot of attention and care. Her condition is considered stable now but it is not going to improve as surgery is not recommended at this old age. She is losing some mobility with her neck and she needs to use a walker at all times. She is feeling depressed as she is not able to go out like before. My father-in-law also feels stuck even though all the children and grandchildren are very attentive and try to take them out regularly. My partner's mother is in a worse situation as she suffered from a stroke a year ago. She is now lying in bed in a long term care. The sad thing is the sudden change from a vibrant, smart woman to now lost her mobility and unable to speak. It is hard to imagine how frustrated it is when you haven't lost your mind but have no way of communicating nor the ability to move around. I witness the dramatic emotional swing from one hour/day to the next.........No one can control when our time comes, but we must adapt and accept should the worst happen.......




So Peter, I am sure you would agree that for the old age, infection, bad falls and strokes are on top of the list. Metis, your in-laws are lucky to have your care for the 8 years and I can learn so much from you. As a coincident I have since a year ago started volunteering for Yee Hong Geriatric Care Centre (those who live in Toronto would have heard of this organization) where I get to see more first hand on the issues that the elderlies are facing.




In a way that all these happen after my recent retirement and able to spend the time to help everyone out. I know I am not alone, as baby boomers we are at the age, for those of us who are lucky that the seniors in our family are around, are facing similar challenges. It is a blessing that we are able to care for them. Metis is right to remind us that we must take care of our own health so we can be there to help the older generation and not to be a burden for our next generation.

So live life to the fullest everyday and stay healthy. It is great to be a part of the alumini as I am surrounded by genuine and kind people like you. Thanks again for your thoughts and support.




...........To be continued............