Hurricane Sandy (3)


Stella Tse & Others

7 November 2012


KT Lai:     Peter, there is no use to cook enough food for several days and put them in a defrosted frige (no electricity) !!!

You don't have to cook anything. You can just pick up any veggie in your garden and eat. :>) (not coding error :>)).



Cheung:   You are right on that. I still don’t have electricity this morning. So I try not to open the frige door too often. I will eat what is still ok. Time to clean up my refrigerator anyway! Thank you for the nice pictures of the silk tour. Did you pick any tung chung Tsia tsao?


Kay:         NY冇電, 冇燈

o野好做, 唯有造人

十個月後, Junior New NYCers 陸續出世



Shirley:    Bingo! Kay, that was what (might have) happened Charles and Peter!


Looking forward to the good news in 10 months on the arrival of Charles Junior and Peter Junior! They might name her/him Sandy which is a name for both sex.



Cheung:   I finally got my power back last night. Just lost some frozen veggies. And some dark cold nights. There are still 400,000 people still without power in NJ. Hope Shirley gets her power back also or soon.



Wu:          By the sound of it, you lost power for several days and you only lost some frozen veggies?


Your fridge must have super-insulation. If my fridge were to lose power for a day, most of the stuff will have melted and had to be chucked.


But then the temperatures in your neck of the wood are not exactly high so that may have helped.


How did you manage with the daily ablution in those days? Did you have cold showers? Or did you try to ‘marinate salt fish’ (醃鹹魚)?



Cheung:   Peter, I put a lot of cold packs in the frige and tried not to open the doors too often. I have gas heat. But without electricity I could not cook. I could not turn on the heater. The air temp was around 50oF(10oC). My water heater has not problem. I am happy it is over for me. Temp for these 2 days is in the 30's. There was frost on my car window this morning. NYC major blamed all this on global warming and will vote for Obama today. I also exercised my right and voted.


-To be continued-