

Peter Cheung

12 November 2012


The info in this slide presentation (see attachment) needs some explanation. Our body consists of trillions of cells. Many of them possess the ability to divide so that they can replace the old and dying cells. When cells divide the chance of mutation goes up. Some mutations dont do any damage. Some mutations give rise to genetic diseases. Some mutations give rise to cancer cells. Some cancer cells grow slowly and some grow fast depending on the nature of their mutations (the genes that are affected) and the nature of the environment they are in(density of blood vessels---fuel and oxygen supply route). Moreover the different cells will communicate with one another by sending factors or connecting with the neighbor cells to either compete or help one another to survive. Some cancer cells keep going forever because they have changed and can grow with more rigor and can spread to other areas.


When cells grow they metabolize fuels and CO2 and acidic metabolites are produced. Normally, the pH is balanced off by the bicarbonate in our blood. In solid tumor they persist longer because the blood vessels going into the tumor is not that well developed to handle the metabolic wastes. So some cancer will die. Some become like a normal cells again. But some become more strong and evil! In tissue culture they can grow forever as long as you keep them well-fed or too many mutations finally will kill them. Yes, therapies can induce mutation and secondary cancer. But in therapy it is all about risk and benefit assessment. In this discipline western medicine offers much better info than chinese medicine.


Depending on your age, the nature of the cancers the doctors can offer the best protocol for each individual. If you are old and you have prostate cancer or thyroid cancer you will probably not treated because these cancer grow slowly. Each type of cancer may be treated differently. Surgery is the best option but only if the cancer has not spread. Then radiation and chemo. Both are not nice to your body, Both have problems. But new radiation technology and chemo drugs have improved the outcomes.


Should I reject the treatments and stay at home? I wont.


