Dental Health (3)


Peter Cheung and Others

20 December 2011



Thank you, Sue, for sharing what your mum has gone through. I wish her success with her treatment and the infection clearing up soon. It's always a worry when the elderlies in the family are not feeling well. I fully understand your concern and feeling since I looked after my ailing in-laws for 8 years here before they passed away. Your mum is very lucky to have such a good and caring daughter.




Indeed, as I've said before at our age, it is vital that we keep an eye on our health and make good use of the medical/dental services available if we want to enjoy fully our retirement and not becoming a burden on our children.




Thanks Sue for sharing your mom's case. Your mom is strong and you are a very caring daughter. I wish her a successful recovery. Her story certainly alerts us not to overlook a minor health problem as it could relate to very serious consequence.

No matter how busy we are and how good shape we think we are in, keep our regular check up and recommended exams...Also, get professional advise on drugs whether western or herbal; supplements including vitamins. Be wise to believe those prescriptions, formulas from circulating emails. They are not for everybody; many of them are of unknown side effects.

My another instance is that back in 2003, my family physician recommended me to take colonoscopy, one of normal well-check up examinations suggested by doctors for people over 50. That year, I was fully occupied every day except the 4-6 hours sleep time because John had relocated to Houston while I remained in CA caring for my children; I was also a full time student. I thought I was in pretty healthy condition particularly my last sigmoidoscopy taken in 2001 was normal so I thought I didn't need it. John saw it differently and insisted that he would fly back from Houston to drive me for patients are not supposed to drive before and after the exam. It could be too late if I hadn't taken that colonoscopy as 3 precancerous polys were found and immediately removed during the examination.

So, dear friends, how long we live is not up to us to say but we can certainly take good care of ourselves and let our love ones feel less worry. - Eat healthy, exercise daily, live happily.



Peter Tsang:

Sue, I admire deeply your genuine concern & sincere caring to your mom. As her daughter, you have indeed performed excellent tender loving care to your beloved parent.

Working in hospital for the past 35 years, I have taken care of patients, young & old, suffering from infection of various sorts. Regret to say, nearly 30% causes of death for the old aged is Infection. Once we reached the retire age of sixty, we have to be very cautious to our daily life & activities which is considered vital to our health maintenance. Infection has always been human’s enemy & if they won, it can be life threatening. As we all know, human life has an average duration of not more than a century & once you are approaching or over seventy, physically, all our systems & organs within our body will certainly go downhill & our body defense immune system will be of nil exemption. From the medical & nursing point of view, we will never neglect preventing & treating infection because it is vital & will be fatal, especially to us who are not young anymore. But some infections, in their early stage, are symptomless & they are, what we called, silent killers. Again for the old aged, infection at the early stage can be very quiet. Yet by the time, the bacteria in our body have formed quite a vast colony within our multi-organs, it is always too late to fight back & had our health regain.

Sue, you are correct to remind us not to neglect tooth infection. Our mouth, the oral cavity which housed our teeth & gum is always kept warm & moist. Environmentally it is some sort of a glass house, not for flowers, but for whatever germs to grow & spread to our entire body. It is significant that oral hygiene should be done at least twice daily & our entire body skin should always be kept intact. I strongly recommend that we should consult our dietitian & obtain a balanced diet list for our daily food consumption. Don’t ever forget, specialist advice should never be ignored!







...........To be continued............