I know she is a nit-wit but it's now turned out she is worse...

Peter Wu

28 Feb 2011


Who am I referring to? Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential hopeful in the John McCain ticket who was defeated by the Obama-Biden ticket.


Remember, she is the one who got South Africa as a country mixed up with South of Africa as a continent, Austria as Australia, Zambesi as Zimbabwe. Don’t know what else she has mucked up.


Her grasp of matters outside the States was found to be so wanting that they had to put her through a crash course. But as revealed by the article below, her intelligence is such that she is beyond help.


As we have seen in the Republican presidential nomination contests, she is not the only one who is found to be wanting. Herman Cain was also caught out.


So all these lead me to ask these questions:


a.  How did the McCain camp got it so wrong in picking her as his running mate?

b.  She was the Mayor of Wasila (in a God forsaken place called Alaska) for some years. What does it say about the people who elected her to that office?

c.  What does it say about the about the mind-set of people who support her? She apparently still has a large following in the States.

d.  What does it say about the process of selecting candidates for high offices in the US? I know for a fact the US has mountains of capable people. What are they doing? Why do they not put their hands up?  


I think the sooner Xi jinping moves into the Oval Office, the better.





WASHINGTON: Sarah Palin believed the Queen, not the prime minister, was responsible for the decision to keep British forces in Iraq, according to research for a new film chronicling her political rise.

The former Alaskan governor reportedly made the comment during the 2008 presidential campaign as aides to John McCain, the Republican candidate, tried to bring his surprise choice as running mate up to speed on foreign affairs.

Mrs Palin's confusion emerged during a coaching session with Steve Schmidt, a McCain adviser who asked her what she would do if Britain began to waver in its commitment to the Iraq war.

In one of the many rambling responses that eroded her credibility, Mrs Palin reportedly replied she would ''continue to have an open dialogue'' with the Queen. A horrified Mr Schmidt informed her the prime minister, then Gordon Brown, would be responsible for the decision. She also mistakenly believed Saddam Hussein ordered the September 11 attacks.

The blunder was revealed during research for Game Change, an HBO ''docudrama'' based on a book about the 2008 campaign by two American journalists. While the film is a dramatisation, with Julianne Moore playing Mrs Palin, its producers conducted dozens of interviews and Mr Schmidt confirmed its accuracy in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.

It describes panicked cramming sessions during the campaign, with aides beginning history lessons with the Spanish Civil War and carrying through to post-September 11. Mrs Palin was initially enthusiastic, making notes on hundreds of coloured flash cards, but became increasingly sullen and was described by tutors as going into a ''catatonic stupor''.

Mrs Palin refused to co-operate with the film and her spokesman said it ''distorted, twisted and invented facts to create a false narrative''.


Telegraph, London