Pain-killer and other stuff (1)


Peter Wu & Others

17 October 2012


Peter:      I read an article from a medical periodical (see attachment) .


This modern world is certainly different to the one I was brought up with.


Modern phenomenon one: The pervasive use of pain-killers. My work, and many other work places, have long stopped stocking pain-killer in the first aid kit because they simply disappear in a flash. Many people I know of routinely carry pain-killers in their handbags or suitcases.


Even more are using pain-killers as a quick-fix for everything instead of seeking treatment for the root cause.


Why is it that the use of pain-killers have become so common? Are people getting more aches and pains over the years?


Is the pace of live getting so quick and stressful that people have to resort to pharmaceutical assistance? Is our ability to cope with stress diminishing?


Modern phenomenon two: The use of stimulants leg and illegal. Just as cigarette smoking is under threat of being uncool and phased out, other stimulants are taking its place ¡V energy drinks and coffees, amphetamine, Cocaine and party pills. Instead of seeing a picture of Humphrey Bogart smoking a cigarette, we are more likely seeing Lindsay Lohan snorting a line of Cocaine.


Why is the use of stimulants has become so common?


Do we work so hard that it needs some extra ¡¥help¡¦?


Is it because it is fashionable to be seen drinking a Latte, a long black, a Mocha or Cappuccino?


Modern phenomenon three ¡V the rise and rise of adrenalin sports. The faster, more death-defying, mind-boggling, and adrenalin-pumping it is, the bigger the audience it attracts. The jumping back to earth from the edge of space by Felix Baumgartner has attracted a bigger audience than the London Olympics.


Bungee-jumping these days is nothing. It is eclipsed by BASE jumping. The number of people queuing up to scale the highest peak in the Himalayas is so ho-hum that it¡¦s like a leisurely walk up Lion Rock.


Everything is becoming more extreme. Why is this so? Are we as human beings becoming more extreme?


Have we got something to prove to ourselves or to brag to fellow human beings? Are the ordinary everyday things like a stroll in the park or swimming a few laps in the pool no longer appeal?


Just thinking about these things gives me a headache so I better take another BIG handful of pain-killers, washed down by a super-sized Latte, a Red Bull and a bottle of Cognac of course! Oh, a pipe of Opium too.


Stella:     Excellent observations Peter! As to why, who knows, humans are always seeking new boundaries , I guess.


Bob:        "Seeking new boundaries" sounds fine and dandy if we are talking about the development in science, arts, technology and other humanities, but I think what Peter Wu was referring to has got more to do with self-indulgence, thrill-seeking, chemical abuse and disregard of the environment... behaviours that are more appropriately described as "suicidal"!


Metis:      I try very hard to avoid taking painkillers, maybe because I have a high pain threshold. My GP however always prescribes quite strong painkillers as he thinks I shouldn't have to suffer. This is a view shared by most people these days. One should be pain-free, carefree, trouble free and happy most of the time if you can help it. That's why so many people reach for Seroxat or Prozac.


But mind you, work has become more demanding and we seem to be working harder and longer hours now. In the early 80's when I was working at Birmingham U and the Poly, work life is much more relaxing. My prof used to take us out for long `liquid' lunch from 12 till 2.30. By the time, we were back at the office, it's time for me to pack up to pick up my sons from school!


Coming up to the 90's, the screws were tightening. We lost our long summer holidays, teaching load got heavier. After the invasion of the MBAs into the education section, there were yearly mission statements and reviews to be written, tons of unnecessary paperwork to be completed every week. By the time I retired, the whole education sector was cutting staff left right and centre. We were all doing one and half person's job.You need extra adrenaline to cope with the work load so people reach for the stimulants. And of course, the press and commercials are tempting people to try all these fashionable drinks and pills.


It's not just work that's becoming more competitive. Tiger mums and dads are pushing their offsprings to be super kids. Have you read about that silly Chinese dad who tried to get his infant sons and daughters to climb Mt Fuji? People are all going for one-upmanship to be noticed, to get recognition and be famous.


I'm glad I'm no longer in the rat race.


Peter:      Dead right. Much of these self-indulgence, thrill-seeking, dare-devilling and abuse of the environment would not have been possible without the use of social media of which Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, blogging are key parties.

I call this Modern Phenomenon four.

Nothing beats seeing something being done on Youtube. That not only spawns copy-cat activities, but bigger and more daring (sometimes stupid) copy cats.

The power of social media derives from wide-spread connectivity and instantaneity. Its transcends distance and space so bypassing geo-political barriers and sanctions. Had another Tiananmen incident occurred now, I am pretty certain the outcome would have been very different.





Panadol  - ¥²²zµh (ºK¦Ü°·±dÂø»x¡^Panadol = Tylenol ¡VJL






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-To be continued-