Explosion in Texas


Stella Tse & Others

20 April 2013


Stella Tse:        Danny, as Houston is at a fair distance from West, Texas, I am sure you are okay, but you must feel for your fellow Texans with what they are going through up there. It's been a horrific week for the US, with the Boston bombings, the poisoned letters sent to Obama and a sensator, and the Texas explosions.


                        Our thoughts are with you all, our dear American friends.


Danny Li:         Thank you very much for your kind concern. I am safe. 


West, TX is about 200 miles north of Houston so we were not affected by the fertilizer plant explosions yesterday evening. However, the force of the blast registered as a 2.1-magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale has killed as many as 15 people, including three to five volunteer firefighters, and injured about 160 people. The only relief to Texans is that the explosion was not terrorist related.


This is indeed a sad week to Americans - the recent incidents bring back the fearful feeling of the 911 tragedy 12 years ago -- people worry about when and where the next attack will be.


Virginia Yip:    Yes, what a horrific week on the American soil.
Both bombing in Boston and explosion in Texas were 2,3 days apart plus all the mail threats to the government ... it is like a war zone.


My heart goes out to the victims in Boston and Texas. Boston has a special place in my heart because my daughter has just finished her master program at Boston U and we were there for her graduation last year. It is such a beautiful city and boston marathon is such a well known event that anybody would be there for participation and cheering on. Both of my daughters are runners and they like to run on different events. I can just imagine that they are among the audiences watching and cheering. 


When they announced the third victim that got killed was a Boston U graduate student from China ... I got chill in my bones. How can his or her family react to such a random act of terrorism.


ife is so fragile.... whenever I think about it, I just want to hug my kids and my love ones a little tighter. 


Well, my friends... we are all lucky to be enjoying what we are doing now. Take a deep breath. Life will go on.


Dr. Hon:           It is indeed one of the darkest week for Americans. First the Boston bomb, then the explosion at the fertilizer plant at West, Texas. On top of this, on Wednesday, a day described by Obama as "a pretty shameful day for Americans", 41 Republicans andfour Democrats, killed a bill to expand background checks for gun buyers.


Read this powerful letter by Gabrielle Giffords, a former Arizona Democratic representative who was a victim of the Tucson shooting in 2011. She's a founder of Americans for Responsible Solutions which focuses on gun violence. Support her at facebook.




Hope FBI manages to catch the second suspect of the Boston Tragedy. It is believed that the first suspect was gunned down about 10 minutes ago.


Take care .