

Stella Tse & others

6 February 2013


Stella Tse:        Dear Bob, my condolences on the passing of your beloved Mom. You are right to have the enlightened spirit ... I can see from your wonderful poem that she's had a full life, and is so blessed to be able to die so 'nicely'.


Peter Wu:        More often than not, when I look at a person and their attributes, I immediately think of their parents.


We don’t behave, think, act or carry on the way we do without mimicking our parents to a very large extent.


In fact we often are a mirror-image of our parents, albeit in a ‘distorted and mysterious’ way.


On this basis and given your considerable talents, level-headedness, leadership quality, wisdom, creative and unconventional thinking, mild-manner, intelligence and intellectual prowess, I am in fact looking at your late mother.


Bob, you are the best manifestation of all those attributes you have inherited from your mum. And more.


I salute her.


Dr. Hon:           Dear Bob, bernard and I are saddened to hear the passing of your dear mum. Throughout the years in the forum we have heard a lot about her from your writing, she's one amazing lady. Our deepest condolences to you and your family.


Here's a poem for you.


Tribute to Mother by John Greenleaf Whittier


A picture memory brings to me;

I look across the years and see

Myself beside my mother's knee.

I feel her gentle hand restrain

My selfish moods, and know again

A child's blind sense of wrong and pain.

But wiser now,

a man gray grown,

My childhood's needs are better known.

My mother's chastening love I own.


Take care!


Sue Tang:         Dear Bob, sorry for your loss, please accept my sincere condolences. The fact that she passed away in her sleep means she left in peace........she was in her comfortable and warm bed, no pain, no regrets.... God takes special care of those who have done lots of good deeds like your mother. Sounds like she lived life to the fullest and surrounded by many children and grand children.


While her peaceful death brings harmony and enlightened spirit for the family, I can feel how much you miss your dear mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please take good care.


Thanks for sharing the beautiful and touching peom.


C.H.Ko:            Dear Bob, I am saddened to hear about your great loss!


Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem which abounds in delineating the affectionate, tender, maternal love yet it doesn’t lack, if I am mot misinterpreting, the subtle depictions of your defiant attitudes towards her dominant “matriarch”…, “Rule your subjects with a stern and fiery temper.” and your yearning for “You begin to treat me as your equal,” but a bit frustrated, “But still get the last word as usual!”


Parents usually never see their children as grown-ups or “equal” but infants. Are we parents not?


My condolences to you and your family.