

Dr. Hon Yuk Ching

14 February 2013


今天是情人節, 送你兩首有趣味的情詩。


Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy


Not a red rose or a satin heart.

I give you an onion.

It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.

It promises light

like the careful undressing of love.



It will blind you with tears

like a lover.

It will make your reflection

a wobbling photo of grief.


I am trying to be truthful.


Not a cute card or a kissogram.

I give you an onion.

Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,

possessive and faithful

as we are,

for as long as we are.


Take it.

Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring,

if you like.



Its scent will cling to your fingers,

cling to your knife.


詩經. 鄭風. 女曰雞鳴


女曰:“雞鳴”,士曰:“昧旦。子興視夜,明星有爛。” “將翱將翔,弋鳧與雁。”















Happy Valentine's Day!