Another cautionary tale - General Petraus, ex CIA director (1)


Peter Wu & Others

13 November 2012


Peter Wu:        Before he retired from the military he was the top-notch US military commander known for his brain and successfully tried-out military doctrines. He’s got a Ph.D as well.

Then he became the director of CIA and a couple of days ago, he stepped down because he was caught having an affair with his biographer.

How was he caught?

Well, as in affairs of this nature, in the most unexpected of circumstances.

His biographer, a woman 20 years his junior (she is 40), apparently sent threatening emails to another woman known to be ‘friendly’ to the general.

She made a complaint and the FBI, in its investigation, literally stumbled across the affair (via intimate email exchanges between the general and her biographer).

It’s a real shame for the general with such an illustrious history, so well-liked, so admired and had such a bright future. He was tipped to become the next presidential candidate for the Republicans or as president of Stanford University, among other possibilities.

Well a story like this is nothing new. What never ceases to amaze me is how people like him were exposed in the most unexpected of circumstances, or the worst of timing. The CIA job is the one he loves. If he did not step down, he could be in the post for at least four years (until Obama steps down).

He then could win the nomination for the GOP and become the next occupant to the White House. Who knows!

All these are non-existent dreams now.

Having said that, I don’t think he will be the last high office-holder to be caught in an affair of this nature.

Mark my words.


Bob Choi:         Well, General Petraus' biographer (what's her name?) came from a long line of women who existed only to bring down men who were unlucky enough to fall in love in them: Eve, Delilah, Helen of Troy...


"Women: source of all calamity" says it all.


Dr. Hon:                   英雄難過美人關,妒忌呷醋的女人,氣上頭來,什麼也做得出來!奇怪的是愈是權高位極的男人愈易中招,也許他們自覺無敵非凡,日理萬經,世界無事不可解決。小女人投懷送抱,理所當然,不會有何手尾﹗說明色字頭上一把刀,任你怎樣精明,一樣會被身邊的女人打垮。


Bob Choi:         "Having lived with women for a good part of my life, I've come to realize that woman is not a different gender -- it's a different species." (Source undisclosed to protect the innocent.)



- To be continued -