More about Alzheimer (2)



Peter Wu

4 July 2012



Since I wrote about Alzheimer’s disease’s yesterday, my brain cells have suddenly

undergone a rejuvenation so many things I forgot to say have now come flooding

back. Here are a few:


I could be working in the kitchen and found that I need some eggs so I traipse into the garage. By the time I reach the garage, I get side-tracked by the sight of a pile of dirty washings so I put them into the washing machine. When I finished with it, Ireturn to the kitchen completely forgotten I need some eggs in the first place so I

go back there again and pick up an egg, not realising I need two. So a simple chore

like this requires several trips to the garage. Tell you what, incidents like this are

happening with frighteningly increasing frequency.


I totally rely on a list for my trip to the supermarket. Even with such a list, I often miss out on things I need to buy so that calls for a return trip to the supermarket.

Trouble is, I forget which supermarket I go to in the first place so I often have to

check the receipt so I know which supermarket to return to.


I also have a tendency to leave bags of groceries behind at the checkout. Many a

time the check-out supervisor came rushing after me, as if I am a shop-lifter!


A former colleague of mine, who has since returned to the western sky (he was a

Kwai Lo), was a bit of a lady’s man. One day, he arranged a nice bouquet of flowers for his wife, for their wedding anniversary. He got home expecting a warm

reception from his wife. What he got was anything but – it was an icy one. Why?

Because he got the anniversary date mixed up with his previous wife’s. And how

many (wives) has he had? A grand total of five! (based on what he told me).


How did he get it so wrong? Dementia.

What am I trying to say? Ok, feel free to have as many as you like but make sure you either don’t have dementia, have a good PA, or a good diary. But the most

effective way to cope is have only one wife. That way, even if you muck up the

date, you won’t get sent to the dog house.


Hey, despite all these, some will never learn. So I think Alzheimer or Dementia are God’s revenge on mankind, over our wayward behaviour.


