Should I Really Join Facebook?(2)


Stella Tse & Others

28 June 2013


Dr. Hon:                   I do have a Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 but I refuse to pay extra for data files. My family's been on me to move on to an iPhone with data for a while but I just can't bear to have myself being bombarded by emails, twitter and FB messages all day long. Now that I'm retired I feel I deserve a rest from having to respond to emails instantly. 


I joined FB last winter so that  I can keep tab of what the young ones in the family are up to and for photos of my grandson but  now  alas my page is blogged down by useless adverts!


Is there anything better and less intrusive than FB?


Pony Ma:                 I don't have a smart phone either...


Stella Tse:                FB is okay, but once you calls a 'like', then you get all kinds of ads etc everyday.  I am now hooked on a couple of games on FB, spend at least an hour daily, to the point that we are getting warning from our internet provider that we are reaching the monthly limit.  Anyway, it's good past-time for retirees like us.


Bob Choi:                 To every new technology (or idea or fashion!) that comes our way, there are early adopters, followers and detractors. The world is big enough for all of us!


Pony Ma:                 That is precisely why I do not want a Smart phone so no one can trace me down, hehe!


Clement Chan:         Why not?


Peter Wu:                I can tell you one benefit of carrying a smart phone – probably for the wrong reason.


IN case anything were to happen to you, the law enforcement agencies can track you down pretty quickly because of the GPS software embedded in the phone.


Last week, a rapist-murderer was sent away for 35 years because of this technology. He raped and murdered a young lady in Melbourne in the early hours of the morning.


Shortly after, the police simply asked for a trace of all mobile phone number which were present in that locality and he happened to be the only one, along with the victim. They had him in their bag barely three days later, or earlier if they wanted to.


Many people are aware of this and I know of at least one who refuses to carry his mob, as he thinks his wife is trying to track his movements!


Pony Ma:                 My reasons at this point:


All I need is a phone to make and receive calls.  I send and receive emails and go online at my own pace using a Mac Air.  For business emails I occasionally check my Blackberry provided by the employer.  I do not play games on these devices, and I would prefer reading books (real books) than reading them online.  Last but not least, I really do not like people looking at their smart phones while walking and having meals with their families and friends (one time I was watching a couple having dinner at a three Michelin stars restaurant, and during the whole meal, there were no conversations and each one just looked at his/her smart phone for the whole two hours.)


However, things are changing and I might be forced to move to a smart phone because my employer is going to replace my Blackberry with an iPhone, but I might still keep my personal not too smart dumb phone for awhile.



-To be continued-